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Release 0.38.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added tff.learning.models.FunctionalModel support to tff.learning.algorithms.build_mime_lite.
  • Updated tensorflow-privacy to version 0.8.6.
  • Added an abstract interface describing an asynchronous context
  • Removed references to tff.framework.Context.
  • Added tff.simulation.datasets.gldv2.get_synthetic.
  • Added prefetching data source in tff.program.PrefetchingDataSource.

Breaking Changes

  • Deleted deprecated tff.learning.framework.build_encoded_broadcast_process_from_model.
  • Deprecated tff.learning.ModelWeights and alias tff.learning.framework.ModelWeights, has now moved to tff.learning.models.ModelWeights. Code should be updated before the next release.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with variable creation order of metrics in tff.learning.models.functional_model_from_keras.
  • Improved tff.tf_computation tracing to also trace functools.partial objects.

Known Bugs

  • Colab compatibility: TFF requires Python 3.9 while Colab runtime uses Python 3.7.

Release 0.37.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added support for Python 3.10.
  • Improved support for numpy values in the tff.program API.
  • Increased dataset serialization size limit to 100MB.
  • Added a new method tff.learning.ModelWeights.convert_variables_to_arrays.
  • Added new metrics aggregation factories under tff.learning.metrics.
  • Parallelized aggregation in tff.framework.ComposingExecutorFactory.

Breaking Changes

  • Updated to use jax and jaxlib version 0.3.14.
  • Renamed tff.program.CoroValueReference to tff.program.AwaitableValueReference to reflect the relaxed contract.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved documentation for tff.simulation.build_uniform_sampling_fn, tff.learning.robust_aggregator, tff.aggregators.PrivateQuantileEstimationProcess.
  • Fixed documentation bug for tutorial “High-performance Simulation with Kubernetes”.
  • Fixed bug where momentum hyperparameters were added to SGDM optimizer when momentum was set to 0.
  • Removed assertion that preprocessed datasets in a tff.simulation.baselines.BaselineTask have the same element structure.
  • Fixed a memory leak when moving numpy arrays across the Python and C++ boundary in the C++ executor.
  • Fixed bug in the federated program API when using multiple release managers to release the same value.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as: Madhava Jay, nbishdev@

Release 0.36.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added support for tff.learning.models.FunctionalModel to tff.learning.algorithms.build_fed_sgd and tff.learning.algorithms.build_fed_prox.
  • Increased the gRPC message limit from 1 GB to 2 GB.
  • Added hyperparameter getters/setters to various components in tff.learning.

Breaking Changes

  • Updated tensorflow to version 2.10.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved documentation for
  • Fixed incorrect docstring of tff.federated_select.
  • Fixed typo in federated program example.

Release 0.35.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added get/set_hparams methods to tff.learning.templates.ClientWorkProcess.
  • Added tff.learning.algorithms.build_mime_lite_with_optimizer_schedule.
  • Updated tensorflow-privacy to version 0.8.5.
  • Added tff.learning.entropy_compression_aggregator.
  • Added tff.aggregators.EliasGammaEncodedSumFactory.
  • Added tff.program.ClientIdDataSource and tff.program.ClientIdDataSourceIterator, for working with a data source of ids of federated clients.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed prototype IREE backend.
  • Added new dependency on TensorFlow Compression.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed implementation of the loading_remote_data tutorial.
  • Corrected the docstring of tff.simulation.datasets.stackoverflow.get_synthetic.

Known Bugs

  • TFF's Python 3.9 typing conflicts with Colab's Python 3.7 runtime.

Release 0.34.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Updated to use Bazel version 5.3.0.
  • Updated the conventions used to specify the version of a Python dependency, see for more information.
  • Updated the to explicitly fail to pip install in Python 3.10. This has always been failing at runtime, but now explicitly fails to install using pip.
  • Refreshed loading_remote_data notebook content and added content for FederatedDataSource.
  • Added a TFF type_signature attribute to objects of type MapReduceForm.
  • Added a series of slides to the GitHub repo (so not part of the PIP package) which detail a technical deep dive into TFF.

Breaking Changes

  • Bumped tf-privacy version to 0.8.4.
  • Bumped tf-model-optimization version to 0.8.3.
  • Removed initialize from MapReduceForm.
  • SequenceType now automatically casts any StructWithPythonType that contains a list to a tuple for compatibility.
  • Unified the model_fn and model parameters of tff.learning.algorithms.build_weighted_fed_avg.
  • MapReduceForm now takes a type_signature argument in its constructor, and no longer takes an initialize argument.
  • MapReduceForm no longer contains an initialize attribute.

Bug Fixes

  • Relaxed overly strict type equivalence check to assignability in TFF-TF code generation.

Release 0.33.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Extend with create_chunker API for encoding non-Unicode strings.
  • Extend tff.aggregators.DifferentiallyPrivateFactory.tree_aggregation with an optional record_aggregation_factory argument.

Breaking Changes

  • Replaced ModularClippingSumFactory with SecureModularSumFactory in

Known Bugs

  • TFF's python 3.9 typing conflicts with Colab's Python 3.7 support.

Release 0.32.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Add a MimeLite implementation that allows from optimizer learning rate scheduling in tff.learning.algorithms.build_mime_lite_with_optimizer_schedule.

Breaking Changes

  • None

Bug Fixes

  • None

Known Bugs

  • TFF's python 3.9 typing conflicts with Colab's Python 3.7 support.

Release 0.31.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added ReleaseManagers to make authoring program logic more convenient.
  • Updated TFFs attrs dependency to version 21.4.0.
  • Update TFFs tensorflow-privacy dependency to version 0.8.1.

Breaking Changes

  • Changed tff.learning.BatchOutput from an attrs class to a namedtuple.
  • Removed unused tff.learning.framework.parameter_count_from_model API.

Release 0.30.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Add tests for namedtuples in the tff.program package.
  • Add num_subrounds parameter to the mergeable context, allowing callers to optionally sequentialize subrounds.
  • Add metrics support to tff.learning.models.FunctionalModel, including updates to the helper function create_functional_metric_fns and the downstream caller tff.learning.algorithms.build_weighted_fed_avg.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix typo in the types constructed for testing the tff.program package.
  • Fix some program example typos.
  • Fix tests that don't seem to be running under the CI.
  • Fix naming bug for Python mergeable execution.
  • Ensure exceptions raised from remote executor stub implement gRPC error interface.
  • Update tff.structure.Struct integration with JAX pytrees to not flatten the entire structure.
  • Use Python 3.7 compatible type annotations until Colab updates to Python 3.9.

Release 0.29.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Update the MemoryReleaseManager to save type_signature when releasing values.
  • Add a type_signature parameter to the ReleaseManager.release method.
  • Unify retryability logic between TFF-C++ and TFF-Python.
  • Update the TFF contributions and collaboration links to point to the Discord server.

Breaking Changes

  • Move Python executor stacks file to in executor_stacks directory.

Bug Fixes

  • Ensure that dataset deserialization will return ragged and sparse tensors, as needed according to the TFF type of the dataset.
  • Make metric_finalizers use metric constructors if available.

Release 0.28.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Updated tutorials to use tff.learning.algorithms API.
  • Asynchronous TFF execution contexts no longer assume a single global cardinality; they concurrently invoke any computation for which concurrency is requested.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process; users should migrate to tff.learning.algorithms.build_weighted_fed_avg.

Bug Fixes

  • Clarified semantics for TFF-C++ multimachine Dispose, DisposeExecutor, and executor keying, to avoid raising exceptions and spamming logs in the course of normal operation.
  • Fixed unsigned integer overflow for TFF-C++ max_concurrent_computation_calls.
  • Normalizes on call-dominant form before attempting to compile to MergeableCompForm, removing spurious failures on dependent-aggregation checking.

Known Bugs

  • Serialization / deserialization of yielding non-dense tensors for multimachine runtime may encounter issues:
    • tff.framework.deserialize_value may fail to deserialize yielding RaggedTensors or SparseTensors.
    • tff.framework.serialize_value may fail to serialize yielding SparseTensors.

Release 0.27.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • New Colab notebook illustrating how to use DataBackend to load remote datasets.
  • Added a CreateDataDescriptor helper function.
  • Added a worker binary serving the TFF-C++ executor service.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with intermediate aggregation and controller failures, causing hangs.

Release 0.26.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Updated TensorFlow to 2.9.1.
  • Update pybind11 to 2.9.2.
  • Re-enable cpp_fast_protos.
  • Introduces container class to run coroutines in a dedicated thread, allowing TFF’s synchronous execution interfaces to be used in conjunction with other asyncio code.
  • Use latest TFF version in Colab notebook links.
  • Rename the helper functions that create test MeasuredProcesses.
  • Add a compiler transform checking Tensorflow computations against list of allowed ops.
  • Explicitly specify return types in the program package.
  • Adds convenience function for setting a local async CPP execution context.
  • Move jax components into a non-experimental namespace.

Breaking Changes

  • Switch compilation flag _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI to 1.

Release 0.25.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Adds error message logging to TFF C++ execution context.
  • Adds test coverage for C++ runtime with aggregators.
  • Redefines 'workers going down with fixed clients per round' test.
  • Add complete examples of using DataBackend with TFF comps.
  • Updated the MapReduceForm documentation to include the two additional secure sum intrinsics.
  • tff.learning
    • Relax the type check on LearningProcess from strictly SequenceType to also allow structures of SequenceType.

Breaking Changes

  • Remove usage of tff.test.TestCase, tff.test.main(), and delete test_case module.
  • Update test utility docstrings to use consistent vocabulary.
  • Update to TensorFlow 2.9.0
  • Rename up compiler/test_utils to compiler/building_block_test_utils.
  • Remove some unnecessary usage of pytype: skip-file.
  • Specify the None return type of ReleaseManager.release.
  • Remove usage of deprecated numpy types.
  • Replace depreciated random_integers with randint.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix numpy warning.

Release 0.24.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added call to metrics manager release calls to ensure compatibility with
  • Added an example and documentation for the Federated Program API.
  • Improved model_update_aggregator to support structures with mixed floating dtypes.
  • Create a mirror of tff.simulation.compose_dataset_computation_with_iterative_process for tff.learning.templates.LearningProcess.
  • Added logging of expected sequential computations to local TFF-C++ runtime.

Breaking Changes

  • Moved asserts from tff.test.TestCase to tff.test.* as functions.
  • Removed assert_type_assignable_from function.
  • Moved assert_nested_struct_eq to the type_conversions_test module.
  • Removed client_train_process and fedavg_ds_loop comparisons.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed comparisons to enums in the benchmarks package.
  • Fixed async_utils.SharedAwaitable exception raiser.
  • Fixed various lint errors.

Release 0.23.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Deprecated tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process.
  • Added an API to convert tf.keras.metrics.Metric to a set of pure tf.functions.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed ProgramStateManager.version to ProgramStateManager.get_versions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the "datasets/" path in the working with TFF's ClientData tutorial.

Release 0.22.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Updated .bazelversion to 5.1.1.
  • Updated the tff.program API to use asyncio.
  • Exposed new APIs in the tff.framework package:
    • tff.framework.CardinalitiesType.
    • tff.framework.PlacementLiteral.
    • tff.framework.merge_cardinalities.
    • Added new analytic_gauss_stddev API.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed ProgramStateManager.version to ProgramStateManager.get_versions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some Python lint errors related to linting Python 3.9.
  • Cleaned up stale TODOs throughout the codebase.

Known Bugs

  • Version 0.21.0 currently fails to import in colab if the version of Python is less than Python 3.9. Please use a runtime with a version of Python greater than Python 3.9 or use TFF version 0.20.0.

Release 0.21.0

Major Features and Improvements

    • Added new aggregation factory.
    • Added new IBTL tensor encoder/decoder libraries and uses them in
  • tff.aggregator
    • Added as_weighted_aggregator to the tff.aggregator.Factory API.
  • tff.learning
    • Improved compilation and execution performance of tff.learning.metrics.secure_sum_then_finalize by grouping tensors by DType.
    • Added set_model_weights method and default implementation to tff.learning.templates.LearningProcess.
    • Added a new reset_metrics attribute to tff.learning.Model.
    • Added schedule_learning_rate to tff.learning.optimizers.
    • Added new tff.learning.ddp_secure_aggregator for Distributed Differential Privacy.
  • tff.simulation
    • Added an option to distort train images in the CIFAR-100 baseline task.
    • Changed the default sequence length for the Shakespeare baseline task to a more reasonable value.
  • Core
    • Switched runtime to create new RemoteExecutors with different cardinalities, rather than resetting the cardinality in the remote service.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed support for Python 3.7 and 3.8, TFF supports 3.9 and later.
  • Removed deprecated attributes report_local_outputs and federated_output_computation from tff.learning.Model
  • Removed the ingest method from tff.Context

Bug Fixes

  • Multiple typos in tests, code comments, and pydoc.

Known Bugs

  • Sequences (datasets) of SparseTensors don't work on the C++ runtime.
  • Computations when CLIENTS cardinality is zero doesn't work on the Python runtime.
  • Assigning variables to a Keras model after construction inside a model_fn results in a non-deterministic graph.

Release 0.20.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added tff.program API; this API is still in active development but can be used to compose shared and platform specific: program logic, components, and privacy concepts to create federated programs.
  • Added support for Python 3.9.
  • Added CelebA and iNaturalist datasets to tff.simulation.datasets.
  • Added API for federated analytics, including private heavy hitters algorithms.
  • Added tff.learning.algorithms API, including TFF implementations of FedProx, FedAvg with learning rate scheduling, federated k-Means, and MimeLite.
  • Added tff.learning.metrics API to support easy configuration of cross-client metrics aggregation via the new metrics_aggregator argument.
  • Added metrics_aggregator argument to tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process and tff.learning.build_federated_evaluation.
  • Added report_local_unfinalized_metrics and metric_finalizers methods to tff.learning.Model and deprecated report_local_outputs and federated_output_computation.
  • Added tff.learning.optimizers API for building purely functional optimizers and implementations of SGD, Adagrad, Rmsprop, Adam, Yogi,
  • Added tff.learning.reconstruction API for building partially local federated learning algorithms, including Federated Reconstruction.
  • Added tff.learning.templates API to support building learning algorithms in a modular fashion.
  • Added tff.simulation.baselines API to support evaluating learning algorithms on a suite of representative tasks.
  • Added tff.aggregators.DifferentiallyPrivateFactory.tree_aggregation to support the DP-FTRL algorithm.
  • Added tff.aggrgators.SecureModularSumFactory
  • Added tff.aggregators.DiscreteFourierTransformFactory and tff.aggregators.HadamardTransformFactory to support rotation-based aggregators.
  • Added tff.aggregators.concat_factory for aggregating structures as a single tensor.
  • Added tff.backends.native.create_mergeable_comp_execution_context, tff.backends.native.set_mergeable_comp_execution_context; these can be used with a distributed runtime to scale to tens of thousands of clients.
  • Improved performance of many tff.simulation.datasets.ClientData subclasses.
  • Added tff.simulation.datasets.ClientData.serializable_dataset_fn attribute, enabling dataset creation within TF/TFF computations.
  • Added debug_measurements option to aggregators in tff.learning.
  • Added support for unambiguous zero-client aggregations.
  • Added support for Python dataclasses as function parameters and return values for TFF computations.
  • Added automatic insertion of tff.federated_zip to invocation of user-defined TFF federated computations.
  • Added utilities to tff.simulation.datasets for saving federated datasets to a SQL database compatible with tff.simulation.datasets.SqlClientData.
  • Added tff.learning.models.FunctionalModel and tff.learning.models.functional_model_from_keras.
  • Increased max flow of tensors. Tensors now flow here, there, and everywhere.
  • Updated the Python dependencies:
  • Updated absl-py to version 1.0.0.
  • Updated attrs to version 21.2.0.
  • Added farmhashpy version 0.4.0.
  • Updated jax to version 0.2.27.
  • Updated jaxlib to version 0.1.76.
  • Updated numpy to version 1.21.4.
  • Removed retrying.
  • Updated tensorflow-model-optimization to version 0.7.1.
  • Updated tensorflow-model-optimization to version 0.7.3.
  • Updated tensorflow to version 2.8.0.
  • Added support for building many dependencies including tensorflow using Bazel.
  • Updated the Bazel dependencies:
  • Updated rules_python to version 0.5.0.
  • Updated com_google_protobuf to version v3.18.0-rc1.
  • Added absl_py version 1.0.0.
  • Added com_google_googletest version release-1.11.0.
  • Added io_bazel_rules_go version v0.29.0.
  • Added bazel_skylib version 1.0.3.
  • Added pybind11_abseil.
  • Added pybind11_bazel.
  • Added pybind11_protobuf.
  • Added com_google_absl version 20211102.0.
  • Added tensorflow_org version v2.8.0.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed support for building source on MacOS.
  • Removed support for Python 3.6.
  • Removed symbol tff.framework.type_contains, use tff.types.contains instead.
  • Removed many symbols from tff.simulation, these can be found in tff.program instead.
  • Removed support for converting non-OrderedDict mapping types to tff.Values.
  • Removed tff.simulation.datasets.ClientData.from_clients_and_fn in favor of tff.simulation.datasets.ClientData.from_clients_and_tf_fn.
  • Restricted tff.simulation.datasets.ClientData.preprocess to only support TF-serializable functions.
  • Removed tff.backends.reference, and the reference context it contained.
  • Removed tff.learning.build_federated_sgd_process in favor of tff.learning.algorithms.build_fed_sgd.
  • Removed tff.simulation.run_simulation in favor of tff.simulation.run_training_process.
  • Removed tff.learning.framework.EnhancedModel.
  • Removed tff.learning.framework.build_stateless_mean.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed broken links in documentation.
  • Fixed many pytype errors.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies in Bazel visibility.
  • Fixed bug where tff.simulation.datasets.gldv2.load_data() would result in an error.

Release 0.19.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Introduced new intrinsics: federated_select and federated_secure_select.
  • New tff.structure_from_tensor_type_tree to help manipulate structures of tff.TensorType into structures of values.
  • Many new tff.aggregators factory implementations.
  • Introduced concept for data URIs.
  • New tff.type package with utilities for working with tff.Type values.
  • Initial experimental support for tff.jax_computation.
  • Extend tff.tf_computation support to SpareTensor and RaggedTensor.

Breaking Changes

  • Update gRPC dependency to 1.34.
  • Moved ClientData interface and implementations to tff.simulation.datasets.
  • Renamed tff.utils.update_state to tff.structure.update_struct.
  • Removed the tff.utils namespace, all symbols have migrated, many to tff.aggregators.
  • Moved infinite EMNIST dataset to federated research repository.
  • Removes rpc_mode argument to remote executors, along with streaming mode.
  • Removes deprecated tff.federated_apply.
  • Removes tff.federated_reduce, all usages can use tff.federated_aggregate.
  • Removes HDF5ClientData and h5py pip dependency.
  • Removes setattr functionality on tff.ValueImpl.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved tf.GraphDef comparisons.
  • Force close generators used for sending functions to computation wrappers, avoiding race conditions in Colab.
  • Fix tracing libraries asyncio usage to be Python3.9 compatible.
  • Fix issue with destruction of type intern pool destructing and abc.
  • Fix type interning for tensors with unknown dimensions.
  • Fix ClientData.create_dataset_from_all_clients consuming unreasonable amounts of memory/compute time.

Release 0.18.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Extended the tff.simulation package to add many new tools for running simulations (checkpoints and metrics managers, client sampling functions).
  • Extended the tff.aggregators package with a number of new aggregation factories.
  • Added the tff.structure API to expose the Struct class and related functions.
  • Added the tff.profiler API to expose useful profiling related functions.
  • Added the tff.backends.test package to expose backends that focused on testing specifically a way to test a computation with a federated_secure_sum intrinsic.
  • Added the tff.experimental package to expose less stable API.

Breaking Changes

  • Replaced the tff.aggregators.AggregationProcessFactory abstract base class with the tff.aggregators.UnweightedAggregationFactory and the tff.aggregators.WeightedAggregationFactory classes.
  • Replaced the tff.aggregators.ZeroingFactory class with a tff.aggregators.zeroing_factory function with the same input arguments.
  • Replaced the tff.aggregators.ClippingFactory class with a tff.aggregators.clipping_factory function with the same input arguments.
  • Updated tensorflow package dependency to 2.4.0.
  • Updated absl-py package dependency to 0.10.
  • Updated grpcio package dependency to 1.32.0.
  • Added a jaxlib package dependency at 0.1.55.
  • Updated numpy package dependency to 1.19.2.
  • Updated tensorflow-addons package dependency to 0.12.0.
  • Updated tensorflow-model-optimization package dependency to 0.5.0.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with the sequence_reduce intrinsic handling federated types.

Release 0.17.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • New tff.aggregators package with interfaces for stateful aggregation compositions.
  • New Google Landmark Dataset tff.simulations.dataset.gldv2
  • New convenience APIs tff.type_clients and tff.type_at_server
  • Invert control of computation tracing methods to produce clearer Python stack traces on error.
  • Move executor creation to a factory pattern in executor service, allowing distributed runtimes to be agnostic to number of clients.
  • Significant improvements of type serialization/deserialization
  • New tff.simulations.compose_dataset_computation_with_iterative_process API to move execution of client dataset construction to executor stack leaves.
  • Extend parameterization of tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process with use_experimental_simulation_loop argument to better utilize multi-GPU setups.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed tff.utils.StatefulFn, replaced by tff.templates.MeasuredProcess.
  • Removed tff.learning.assign_weights_to_keras_model
  • Stop removing OptimizeDataset ops from tff.tf_computations.
  • The research/ directory has been moved to
  • Updates to input_spec argument for tff.learning.from_keras_model.
  • Updated TensorFlow dependency to 2.3.0.
  • Updated TensorFlow Model Optimization dependency to 0.4.0.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed streaming mode hang in remote executor.
  • Wrap collections.namedtuple._asdict calls in collections.OrderedDict to support Python 3.8.
  • Correctly serialize/deserialize tff.TensorType with unknown shapes.
  • Cleanup TF lookup HashTable resources in TFF execution.
  • Fix bug in Shakespeare dataset where OOV and last vocab character were the same.
  • Fix TFF ingestion of Keras models with shared embeddings.
  • Closed hole in compilation to CanonicalForm.

Known Bugs

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:

amitport, ronaldseoh

Release 0.16.1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue preventing Python lists from being all_equal values.

Release 0.16.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Mirrored user-provided types and minimize usage of AnonymousTuple.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed AnonymousTuple to Struct.

Release 0.15.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Updated tensorflow-addons package dependency to 0.9.0.
  • Added API to expose the native backend more conveniently. See tff.backends.native.* for more information.
  • Added a compiler argument to the tff.framework.ExecutionContext API and provided a compiler for the native execution environment, which improves TFF’s default concurrency pattern.
  • Introduced a new tff.templates.MeasuredProcess concept, a specialization of tff.templates.IterativeProcess.
  • Extends tff.learning interfaces to accept tff.templates.MeasuredProcess objects for aggregation and broadcast computations.
  • Introduce new convenience method tff.learning.weights_type_from_model.
  • Introduced the concept of a tff.framework.FederatingStrategy, which parameterizes the tff.framework.FederatingExecutor so that the implementation of a specific intrinsic is easier to provide.
  • Reduced duplication in TFF’s generated ASTs.
  • Enabled usage of GPUs on remote workers.
  • Documentation improvements.

Breaking Changes

  • The IterativeProcess return from tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process and tff.learning.build_federated_sgd_process now zip the second tuple output (the metrics) to change the result from a structure of federated values to to a federated structure of values.
  • Removed tff.framework.set_default_executor function, instead you should use the more convenient tff.backends.native.set_local_execution_context function or manually construct a context an set it using tff.framework.set_default_context.
  • The tff.Computation base class now contains an abstract __hash__ method, to ensure compilation results can be cached. Any custom implementations of this interface should be updated accordingly.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue for missing variable initialization for variables explicitly not added to any collections.
  • Fixed issue where table initializers were not run if the tff.tf_computation decorated function used no variables.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:


Release 0.14.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Multiple TFF execution speedups.
  • New tff.templates.MeasuredProcess specialization of IterativeProcess.
  • Increased optimization of the tff.templates.IterativeProcess -> tff.backends.mapreduce.CanonicalForm compiler.

Breaking Changes

  • Moved tff.utils.IterativeProcess to tff.templates.IterativeProcess.
  • Removed tff.learning.TrainableModel, client optimizers are now arguments on the tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process.
  • Bump required version of pip packages for tensorflow (2.2), numpy (1.18), pandas (0.24), grpcio (1.29).

Bug Fixes

  • Issue with GPUs in multimachine simulations not being utilized, and bug on deserializing datasets with GPU-backed runtime.
  • TensorFlow lookup table initialization failures.

Known Bugs

  • In some situations, TF will attempt to push Datasets inside of tf.functions over GPU device boundaries, which fails by default. This can be hit by certain usages of TFF, e.g. as tracked here.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:


Release 0.13.1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues in tutorial notebooks.

Release 0.13.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Updated absl-py package dependency to 0.9.0.
  • Updated h5py package dependency to 2.8.0.
  • Updated numpy package dependency to 1.17.5.
  • Updated tensorflow-privacy package dependency to 0.2.2.

Breaking Changes

  • Deprecated dummy_batch parameter of the tff.learning.from_keras_model function.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with executor service using old executor API.
  • Fixed issues with remote executor test using old executor API.
  • Fixed issues in tutorial notebooks.

Release 0.12.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Upgraded tensorflow dependency from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0.
  • Upgraded tensorflow-addons dependency from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0.
  • Upgraded attr dependency from 18.2 to 19.3.
  • Upgraded tfmot dependency from 0.1.3 to 0.2.1.
  • Added a federated partition of the CIFAR-100 dataset to tff.simulation.datasets.cifar100.
  • Made the high performance, parallel executor the default (replacing the reference executor).
  • Added a new tff.learning.build_personalization_eval for evaluating model personalization strategies.
  • Added new federated intrinsic tff.federated_secure_sum.
  • tff.learning.build_federated_averaing_process() now takes a client_optimizer_fn and a tff.learning.Model. tff.learning.TrainableModel is now deprecated.
  • Improved performance in the high performance executor stack.
  • Implemented and exposed tff.framework.ExecutorFactory; all tff.framework...executor_factory calls now return an instance of this class.
  • Added remote_executor_example binary which demonstrates using the RemoteExecutor across multi-machine deployments.
  • Added close() method to the Executor, allowing subclasses to proactively release resources.
  • Updated documentation and scripts for creating Docker images of the TFF runtime.
  • Automatically call tff.federated_zip on inputs to other federated intrinsics.

Breaking Changes

  • Dropped support for Python2.
  • Renamed tff.framework.create_local_executor (and similar methods) to tff.framework.local_executor_factory.
  • Deprecated federated_apply(), instead use federated_map() for all placements.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed problem with different instances of the same model having different named types. tff.learning.ModelWeights no longer names the tuple fields returned for model weights, instead relying on an ordered list.
  • tff.sequence_* on unplaced types now correctly returns a tff.Value.

Known Bugs

  • tff.sequence_*.. operations are not implemented yet on the new high-performance executor stack.
  • A subset of previously-allowed lambda captures are no longer supported on the new execution stack.

Release 0.11.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Python 2 support is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • federated_map now works with both tff.SERVER and tff.CLIENT placements.
  • federated_zip received significant performance improvements and now works recursively.
  • Added retry logic to gRPC calls in the execution stack.

Breaking Changes

  • collections.OrderedDict is now required in many places rather than standard Python dictionaries.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed computation of the number of examples when Keras is using multiple inputs.
  • Fixed an assumption that tff.framework.Tuple is returned from
  • Fixed argument packing in polymorphic invocations on the new executor API.
  • Fixed support for dir() in ValueImpl.
  • Fixed a number of issues in the Colab / Jupyter notebook tutorials.

Release 0.10.1

Bug Fixes

  • Updated to use grpcio 1.24.3.

Release 0.10.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Add a federated_sample aggregation that is used to collect a sample of client values on the server using reservoir sampling.
  • Updated to use tensorflow 2.0.0 and tensorflow-addons 0.6.0 instead of the coorisponding nightly package in the for releasing TFF Python packages.
  • Updated to use tensorflow-privacy 0.2.0.
  • Added support for attr.s classes type annotations.
  • Updated streaming Execute method on tff.framework.ExecutorService to be asynchronous.
  • PY2 and PY3 compatability.

Release 0.9.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • TFF is now fully compatible and dependent on TensorFlow 2.0
  • Add stateful aggregation with differential privacy using TensorFlow Privacy (
  • Additional stateful aggregation lwith compression using TensorFlow Model Optimization (
  • Improved executor stack for simulations, documentation and scripts for starting simulations on GCP.
  • New libraries for creating synthetic IID and non-IID datsets in simulation.

Breaking Changes

  • examples package split to simulation and research.

Bug Fixes

  • Various error message string improvements.
  • Dataset serialization fixed for V1/V2 datasets.
  • tff.federated_aggregate supports accumulate, merge and report methods with signatures containing tensors with undefined dimensions.

Release 0.8.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Improvements in the executor stack: caching, deduplication, bi-directional streaming mode, ability to specify physical devices.
  • Components for integration with custom mapreduce backends (tff.backends.mapreduce).
  • Improvements in simulation dataset APIs: ConcreteClientData, random seeds, stack overflow dataset, updated documentation.
  • Utilities for encoding and various flavors of aggregation.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed support for the deprecated string iterator handle.
  • Bumps the required versions of grpcio and tf-nightly.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes in notebooks, typos, etc.
  • Assorted fixes to align with TF 2.0.
  • Fixes thread cleanup on process exit in the high-performance executor.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:

Gui-U@, Krishna Pillutla, Sergii Khomenko.

Release 0.7.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • High-performance simulation components and tutorials.

Breaking Changes

  • Refactoring/consolidation in utility functions in tff.framework.
  • Switches some of the tutorials to new PY3-only executor stack components.

Bug Fixes

  • Includes the examples directory in the pip package.
  • Pip installs for TensorFlow and TFF in turorials.
  • Patches for asyncio in tutorials for use in Jupyter notebooks.
  • Python 3 compatibility issues.
  • Support for federated_map_all_equal in the reference executor.
  • Adds missing implementations of generic constants and operator intrinsics.
  • Fixes missed link in compatibility section of readme.
  • Adds some of the missing intrinsic reductions.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google.

Release 0.6.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Support for multiple outputs and loss functions in keras models.
  • Support for stateful broadcast and aggregation functions in federated averaging and federated SGD APIs.
  • tff.utils.update_state extended to handle more general state arguments.
  • Addition of tff.utils.federated_min and tff.utils.federated_max.
  • Shuffle client_ids in create_tf_dataset_from_all_clients by default to aid optimization.

Breaking Changes

  • Dependencies added to requirements.txt; in particular, grpcio and portpicker.

Bug Fixes

  • Removes dependency on

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:

Dheeraj R Reddy, @Squadrick.

Release 0.5.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Removed source level TF dependencies and switched from tensorflow to tf-nightly dependency.
  • Add support for attr module in TFF type system.
  • Introduced new tff.framework interface layer.
  • New AST transformations and optimizations.
  • Preserve Python container usage in tff.tf_computation.

Bug Fixes

  • Updated TFF model to reflect Keras tf.keras.model.weights order.
  • Keras model with multiple inputs. #416

Release 0.4.0

Major Features and Improvements

Breaking Change

  • Normalized func to fn across the repository (rename some parameters and functions)

Bug Fixes

  • Wrapped Keras models can now be used with tff.learning.build_federated_evaluation
  • Keras models with non-trainable variables in intermediate layers (e.g. BatchNormalization) can be assigned back to Keras models with tff.learning.ModelWeights.assign_weights_to

Release 0.3.0

Breaking Changes

  • Rename tff.learning.federated_average to tff.learning.federated_mean.
  • Rename 'func' arguments to 'fn' throughout the API.

Bug Fixes

  • Assorted fixes to typos in documentation and setup scripts.

Release 0.2.0

Major Features and Improvements

  • Updated to use TensorFlow version 1.13.1.
  • Implemented Federated SGD in tff.learning.build_federated_sgd_process().

Breaking Changes

  • next() function of tff.utils.IteratedProcesss returned by build_federated_*_process() no longer unwraps single value tuples (always returns a tuple).

Bug Fixes

  • Modify to require TensorFlow 1.x and not upgrade to 2.0 alpha.
  • Stop unpacking single value tuples in next() function of objects returned by build_federated_*_process().
  • Clear cached Keras sessions when wrapping Keras models to avoid referencing stale graphs.

Release 0.1.0

Initial public release.