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File metadata and controls

38 lines (27 loc) · 2.46 KB

Differences among FM formats


Feature IDE uses an XML-based file format to store feature models. Although some version of the plugin included an XML schema, currently the file format is not defined by any schema.

  • Feature Models structure and constraints are defined as XML entities
  • Feature models do not have a name.
  • Feature Groups are represented with a Feature. A Feature cannot have two feature groups. Instead, it must have two children features, each one representing a Feature Groups.
  • Features must have a name.
  • Features may be And, Alt or Or Features, i.e., supported Feature Groups are Alternative and Or groups.
  • Constraints can include AND, OR, NOT, IMPLIES and EQ operators.
  • Constraints do not have a name or an id.

Splot (SXFM)

SXFM (Simple XML Feature Model Format) is the file format used by SPLOT. Although SXFM is an XML-based file format for Feature Models, the tree structure and the constraints are written as a text inside some XML entities. It is necessary to use a parser to get the tree structure and the constraints.

  • Feature model must have a name and may include a set of meta-data.
  • Features, Feature Groups may have an optional name and a mandatory ID.
  • Models created using SPLOT do not include a name for the Feature Groups.
  • Although the format allow feature groups with cardinality, the only types of groups supported are Alternative and Or groups.
  • Each constraint has an ID. The SPLOT editor regenerates this ID each time the file is stored.
  • In SXFM, all the constraints are CNF-constraints, i.e., they only includes OR and NOT operators.
  • In the constraints, features are referenced using their ID (instead of their names)
  • To store a SXFM model in SPLOT, the model must include some meta-data()


FaMa is a framework for analysis of feature models. It supports a propietary XML-based file format for feature models.

  • In contrast to Feature-IDE and SXFM, FML uses Features and Feature Relationships.
  • Each feature and each relationship has a different name.
  • It support feature groups with cardinaliy. However, many FAMA reasoners only supports Alternative and Or groups.
  • It supports constraints defined as excludes and requires relationships.