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Persistence API

Rick Whitner edited this page Apr 25, 2018 · 4 revisions

A Multi-Index container abstraction of persistent data on EOSIO blockchains

Table of Contents


EOSIO provides a set of services and interfaces that enable contract developers to persist state across action, and consequently transaction, boundaries. Without persistence, state that is generated during the processing of actions and transactions will be lost when processing goes out of scope. The persistence components include:

  1. Services to persist state in a database
  2. Enhanced query capabilities to find and retrieve database content
  3. C++ APIs to these services, intended for use by contract developers
  4. C APIs for access to core services, of interest to library and system developers

This document covers the first three topics.

The Need for Persistence Services

Actions perform the work of EOSIO contracts. Actions operate within an environment known as the action context. As illustrated in the diagram below, an action context provides several things necessary for the execution of the action. One of those things is the action's working memory. This is where the action maintains its working state. Before processing an action, EOSIO sets up a clean working memory for the action. Variables that might have been set when another action executed are not available within the new action's context. The only way to pass state among actions is to persist it to and retrieve it from the EOSIO database.


The EOSIO Multi-Index API

The EOSIO Multi-Index API provides a C++ interface to the EOSIO database. The EOSIO Multi-Index API a is patterned after Boost Multi-Index Containers. This API provides a model for object storage with rich retrieval capabilities, enabling the use of multiple indices with different sorting and access semantics. The Multi-Index API is provided by the eosio::multi_index C++ class found in the contracts/eosiolib folder of the EOSIO/eos GitHub repository. This class enables a contract written in C++ to read and modify persistent state in the EOSIO database.

The Multi-Index container interface eosio::multi_index provides a homogeneous container of an arbitrary C++ type (and it does not need to be a plain-old data type or be fixed-size) that is kept sorted in multiple indices by keys of various types that are derived from the objects. It can be compared to a traditional database table with rows, columns, and indices. It can also be easily compared to Boost Multi-index Containers. In fact many of the member function signatures of eosio::multi_index are modeled after boost::multi_index, although there are important differences.

eosio::multi_index can be conceptually viewed as tables in a conventional database in which the rows are the individual objects in the container, the columns are the member properties of the objects in the container, and the indices provide fast lookup of an object by a key compatible with an object member property.

Traditional database tables allow the index to be a user-defined function over some number of columns of the table. eosio::multi_index similarly allows the index to be any user-defined function (provided as a member function of the class/struct of the element type) but with its return value restricted to one of a limited set of supported key types.

Traditional database tables typically have a single unique primary key that allows unambiguously identifying a particular row in the table and also provides the standard sort order for the rows in the table. eosio::multi_index supports a similar semantic, but the primary key of the object in the eosio::multi_index container must be a unique unsigned 64-bit integer. The objects in the eosio::multi_index container are sorted by the primary key index in ascending order of the unsigned 64-bit integer primary key.

EOSIO Multi-Index Iterators

A key differentiator of the EOSIO persistence services over other blockchain infrastructures is its Multi-Index iterators. Unlike some other blockchains that only provide a key-value store, EOSIO Multi-Index tables allow a contract developer to keep a collection of objects sorted by a variety of different key types, which could be derived from the data within the object. This enables rich retrieval capabilities. Up to 16 secondary indices can be defined, each having its own way of ordering and retrieving table contents.

The EOSIO Multi-Index iterators follow a pattern that is common to C++ iterators. All iterators are bi-directional const, either const_iterator or const_reverse_iterator. The iterators can be dereferenced to provide access to an object in the Multi-Index table.

Putting It All Together

How to Create Your EOSIO Multi-Index Table

Here is a summary of the steps to create your own persistent data using EOSIO Multi-Index tables.

  • Define your object(s) using C++ class or struct. Each object will be in its own Multi-Index table.
  • Define a const member function in the class/struct called primary_key that returns the uint64_t primary key value of your object.
  • Determine the secondary indices. Up to 16 additional indices are supported. A secondary index supports several key types, listed below.
    • idx64 - Primitive 64-bit unsigned integer key
    • idx128 - Primitive 128-bit unsigned integer key
    • idx256 - 256-bit fixed-size lexicographical key
    • idx_double - Double precision floating point key
    • idx_long_double - Quadruple precision floating point key
  • Define a key extractor for each secondary index. The key extractor is a function used to obtain the keys from the elements of the Multi-Index table. See Multi-Index Constructor and indexed_by sections below.

How to Use Your EOSIO Multi-Index Table

  • Instantiate your Multi-Index table.
  • Insert (emplace) into, and subsequently modify or erase objects in your table as required by your contract.
  • Locate and traverse objects in your table using get, find and iterator operations.

Vehicle Maintenance Tracker Example

In the following example, we will look at how to use the EOSIO Multi-Index API to implement a simple vehicle maintenance tracker. The tracker will keep a ledger of vehicle maintenance activities.

The target users of the tracker are service mechanics and their customers. A service mechanic will add records to the ledger as service jobs are done. They can use this information to track service history and notify customers when service is due. Customers can also track their service history. They can also periodically update their vehicle mileage to enable their mechanic to better determine when service is needed.

If we were implementing the full contract for this example, we might have actions such as:

  • Create a new service record, which can only be done by the mechanic
  • Update mileage, which can be done by the mechanic for any vehicle or a customer for its vehicle
  • Various types of reporting actions

For the purposes of this example, we will focus on the aspects of storage and retrieval, and not the contract actions.

We actually need two tables for our application. The first table will contain individual service transactions created by the mechanic. The same customer can have many records in this table, representing each time the vehicle was serviced. Our second table will contain the current state for a customer. Each customer will have one entry in this table. Note that for simplicity, our design here limits one vehicle per customer.

Vehicle Maintenance Tracker service Table

We'll call the table that contains individual service transactions the service table. This table will be used to create service record reports. The records of this table will contain the following properties:

  • Primary key - the Customer ID can't be the primary key, since a customer can have many records. In fact, we don't need the primary key directly, so we can let the system generate one for us.
  • Customer ID - this will correspond to the account name (a uint64_t value) of the customer
  • Date of Service - the date when the service was performed
  • Odometer - the vehicle's odometer reading at date of service

We want to be able to search this table by customer, so we will create a secondary index on the customer property. The diagram below illustrates the service table and its secondary index, bycustomer.

Service Table Example

We will declare a struct service_rec with these properties to represent our service record object:

struct service_rec {
    uint64_t        pkey;           // opaque, will use available_primary_key()
    account_name    customer;       // will create a secondary index on this
    uint32_t        service_date;
    uint32_t        odometer;
    auto            primary_key()const { return pkey; }
    account_name    get_customer()const { return customer; }

    EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( service_rec, (pkey)(customer)(service_date)(odometer) )

To instantiate our service table (we'll call our instance service_table), we write the following in our contract, where mechanic is the account name for the mechanic.

using service_table_type = multi_index<service, service_rec,
    indexed_by< N(bycustomer), const_mem_fun<service_rec, account_name, &service_rec::get_customer> >
service_table_type service_table( current_receiver(), mechanic );

The two parameters passed to the constructor establish access privileges to the table. The first parameter (the code parameter, see below) determines whether the action is accessing the contract's own persistent state (i.e., code == current_receiver()), in which case the action context has both read and write access to the table, or if it is accessing some other contract's persistent state and is, therefore, read-only.

To add records to service_table, we can use C++ similar to the following (assuming corresponding local variables for the service record content). Variable customer_name contains the human-readable string name of the customer, which we must convert to the account_name encoding of the customer stored in the table.

service_table.emplace(mechanic, [&]( auto& s_rec ) {
    s_rec.pkey = service_table.available_primary_key();
    s_rec.customer = eosio::chain::string_to_name(customer_name);
    s_rec.service_date = service_date;
    s_rec.odometer = odometer;

To find all service records for a customer, we first get the bycustomer secondary index,

auto customer_index = service_table.template get_index<N(bycustomer)>();

then we can find the desired customer using the secondary index.

account_name customer_acct = eosio::chain::string_to_name(customer_name);
auto cust_itr = customer_index.find(customer_acct);

We can iterate through the secondary index to get all service records for the customer.

while (cust_itr != service_table.end() && cust_itr->customer == customer_acct) {
    // code to process customer record...

Vehicle Maintenance Tracker customer Table

Our second table will contain the current state for a customer. We'll call this the customer table. This state consists of the following properties:

  • Customer ID - this will be unique for the customer table, so we can use it as our primary key (note that for simplicity, this example limits to one vehicle per customer);
  • Last Service Date - the last time the vehicle was in for routine service
  • Odometer at Last Service Date - the odometer reading when the vehicle was last in for service
  • Miles Since Last Service - this will be calculated each time the customer or mechanic updates the latest odometer value (e.g., voluntarily by the customer, and each time the mechanic performs a service)

We will index the customer table on the Last Service Date and on the Miles Since Last Service. The diagram below illustrates the customer table and its two secondary indices, bydate and bymiles. Note in the example that Sue has volunteered her latest odometer reading, presumably using an interface provided by the application. The corresponding Miles Since Last Service is calculated whenever the customer enters miles, and this value is indexed. This enables the mechanic to identify customers needing service by date or by miles, at least for customers who choose to participate. Examples of using these values are given below.

Customer Table Example

We will declare a struct customer_rec with these properties to represent our customer record object:

struct customer_rec {
    account_name    customer_id             // primary key
    uint64_t        last_service_date;      // will create a secondary index on this
    unit32_t        odometer_at_last_service;
    uint32_t        latest_odometer;
    auto            primary_key()const { return customer_id; }
    uint64_t        get_last_service_date()const { return last_service_date; }
    uint64_t        get_miles_since_service()const {
                        return latest_odometer > odometer_at-last_service ? latest_odometer - odometer_at_last_service : 0;

    EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( customer_rec, (customer_id)(last_service_date)(odometer_at_last_service)(latest_odometer) )

To instantiate our customer table (we'll call it customer_table), we write the following in our contract, where mechanic is the account name for the mechanic.

using customer_table_type = multi_index<customer, customer_rec,
   indexed_by< N(bydate), const_mem_fun<customer_rec, uint64_t, &customer_rec::get_last_service_date> >,
   indexed_by< N(bymiles), const_mem_fun<customer_rec, uint64_t, &customer_rec::get_miles_since_service> >
customer_table_type customer_table( current_receiver(), mechanic );

To add records to customer_table, we can use C++ similar to the following (assuming corresponding local variables for the customer record content). Variable customer_name contains the human-readable string name of the customer, which we must convert to the account_name encoding of the customer stored in the table.

customer_table.emplace(mechanic, [&]( auto& c_rec ) {
    c_rec.customer_id = eosio::chain::string_to_name(customer_name);
    c_rec.last_service_date = current_date;
    c_rec.latest_odometer = current_odometer;
    c_rec.miles_since_service = 0;

We can find a customer using the primary key, customer_id.

account_name customer_id = eosio::chain::string_to_name(customer_name);
auto cust_itr = customer_table.find(customer_id);

To update the latest_odometer property, use something similar to the following.

account_name customer_id = eosio::chain::string_to_name(customer_name);
customer_table.modify(customer_table.get(customer_id), mechanic, [&]( auto& c_rec) {
    c_rec.latest_odometer = customer_provided_odometer_reading;     // customer provided input
    c_rec.miles_since_service = customer_odometer_at_last_service;  // obtained from the service_table

Parameter mechanic is the payer for the update action. Our example allows the mechanic or customer to update the latest_odometer property, but we don't want the customer paying just to volunteer their latest odometer reading.

Note that the above requires calculating the miles_since_service property. The example assumes the variable customer_odometer_at_last_service holds the odometer reading from the customer's last service. We can obtain the most recent service record for the customer by using the bycustomer secondary index of the service table. See the service table example above for using this index.

To get the secondary indices for customer_table, use something similar to the following.

auto last_service_date_index = customer_table.template get_index<N(bydate)>();
auto miles_since_service_index = customer_table.template get_index<N(bymiles)>();

We can iterate backwards through the bydate secondary index to get all customers who are due for service, e.g., because their last service is more than 3 months ago.

auto overdue_date_itr = last_service_date_index.upper_bound(three_months_ago);  // date for three months earlier than today
// code to iterate the customer table backwards from three months ago

We can iterate forward through the bymiles secondary index to get all customers who are due for service, e.g., because their miles since last service is greater than 3000.

auto over_miles_itr = last_service_date_index.lower_bound(3000);  // all records 3000 or more miles
// code to iterate the customer table forward for greater than 3000 miles

C++ API Reference


This section documents the eosio::multi_index C++ API. This interface is, effectively, an adaptation of the Boost Multi-Index container library. It makes direct use of the boost/multi_index/const_mem_fun class template for key extraction. It also uses the Boost Hana library for metaprogramming. Please refer to the Boost documentation at for additional conceptual information and detail.

In the descriptions below, the following aliases will be used for common template declarations.

Alias Description
object_type The type of an object in the Multi-Index table
secondary_index The type of the appropriate Secondary Index of the Multi-Index table


Method Description
multi_index( uint64_t code, uint64_t scope ) Constructs an instance of a Multi-Index table
code account that owns table
scope scope identifier within the code hierarchy
Postcondition A new empty instance of a Multi-Index table is created
code and scope member properties are initialized
each secondary index table initialized

Note: The eosio::multi_index template has template parameters <uint64_t TableName, typename T, typename... Indices>, where:

  • TableName is the name of the table, maximum 12 characters long, characters in the name from the set of lowercase letters, digits 1 to 5, and the "." (period) character;
  • T is the object type (i.e., row definition);
  • Indices is a list of up to 16 secondary indices.
    • Each must be a default constructable class or struct
    • Each must have a function call operator that takes a const reference to the table object type and returns either a secondary key type or a reference to a secondary key type
    • It is recommended to use the eosio::const_mem_fun template, which is a type alias to the boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun. See the documentation for the Boost const_mem_fun key extractor for more details.

Copy and Assignment

Copy constructors and assignment operators are not supported.

Table Manipulation


Method Description
const_iterator emplace( unit64_t payer, Lambda&& constructor ) Adds a new object (i.e., row) to the table.
payer account name of the payer for the Storage usage of the new object
constructor lambda function that does an in-place initialization of the object to be created in the table
Returns a primary key Iterator to the newly created object
payer is a valid account that authorized the current action (and thus allowed to be billed for storage usage)
A new object is created in the Multi-Index table, with a unique primary key (as specified in the object). The object is serialized and written to the table. If the table does not exist, it is created.
Secondary indices are updated to refer to the newly added object. If the secondary index tables do not exist, they are created.
The payer is charged for the storage usage of the new object and, if the table (and secondary index tables) must be created, for the overhead of the table creation.
Exceptions The current receiver is not the account that owns the table (the code of multi_index).


Method Description
const object_type& get( uint64_t primary )const Retrieves an existing object from a table using its primary key.
primary primary key value of the object
Returns A constant reference to the object containing the specified primary key.
Precondition None
Postcondition None
Exceptions No object matches the given key


Method Description
const_iterator find( uint64_t primary )const Search for an existing object in a table using its primary key.
primary primary key value of the object
An iterator to the found object which has a primary key equal to primary, OR
The end iterator of the referenced table if an object with primary key primary is not found
Precondition None
Postcondition None
Exceptions None


Method Description
void modify( const_iterator itr, uint64_t payer, Lambda&& updater ) Modifies an existing object in a table.
void modify( const object_type &obj, uint64_t payer, Lambda&& updater )
itr an iterator pointing to the object to be updated
obj a reference to the object to be updated
payer account name of the payer for the Storage usage of the updated row; a value of 0 indicates that the payer of the modified row is the same as the existing payer.
updater lambda function that updates the target object
itr points to, or obj is an existing object in the table.
payer is a valid account that authorized the current action (and thus allowed to be billed for storage usage)
The modified object is serialized, then replaces the existing object in the table.
Secondary indices are updated; the primary key of the updated object is not changed.
The payer is charged for the storage usage of the updated object.
If payer is the same as the existing payer, payer only pays for the usage difference between existing and updated object (and is refunded if this difference is negative).
If payer is different from the existing payer, the existing payer is refunded for the storage usage of the existing object.
If called with an invalid precondition, execution is aborted.
The current receiver is not the account that owns the table (the code of multi_index).


Method Description
const_iterator erase( const_iterator itr ) Remove an existing object from a table using its primary key.
void erase( const object_type& obj )
itr an iterator pointing to the object to be removed
obj a reference to the object to be removed
Returns For the signature with const_iterator, returns a pointer to the object following the removed object.
Precondition None
The object is removed from the table and all associated storage is reclaimed.
Secondary indices associated with the table are updated.
The existing payer for storage usage of the object is refunded for the table and secondary indices usage of the removed object, and if the table and indices are removed, for the associated overhead.
The object to be removed is not in the table.
The action is not authorized to modify the table.
The given iterator is invalid.

Member Access


Method Description
uint64_t get_code() const Returns the code member property.
Returns account name of the Code that owns the Primary Table


Method Description
uint64_t get_scope() const Returns the scope member property.
Returns scope id of the Scope within the Code of the Current Receiver under which the desired Primary Table instance can be found



Method Description
uint64_t available_primary_key()const Returns an available (unused) primary key value, intended to be used in tables in which the primary keys of the table are strictly intended to be auto-incrementing, and thus will never be set to custom values by the contract. Violating this expectation could result in the table appearing to be full due to inability to allocate an available primary key.


The Multi-Index iterators follow a pattern that is common to C++ iterators. All iterators are bi-directional const, either const_iterator or const_reverse_iterator. The iterators can be dereferenced to provide access to an object in the Multi-Index table.

begin and cbegin

Method Description
const_iterator begin()const Returns an iterator pointing to the object_type with the lowest primary key value in the Multi-Index table.
const_iterator cbegin()const

end and cend

Method Description
const_iterator end()const Returns an iterator pointing to the virtual row representing just past the last row of the table (assuming one exists); cannot be dereferenced; can be advanced backward but not forward.
const_iterator cend()const

rbegin and crbegin

Method Description
const_iterator rbegin()const Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the object_type with the highest primary key value in the Multi-Index table.
const_iterator crbegin()const

rend and crend

Method Description
const_iterator rend()const Returns an iterator pointing to the virtual row representing just past the last row of the table (assuming one exists); cannot be dereferenced; can be advanced forward but not backward.
const_iterator crend()const


Method Description
const_iterator lower_bound( uint64_t primary )const Searches for the object_type with the lowest primary key that is greater than or equal to a given primary key.
primary Primary key that establishes the target value for the lower bound search
an iterator pointing to the object_type that has the lowest primary key that is greater than or equal to primary, OR
the end iterator if an object could not be found, including if the table does not exist


Method Description
const_iterator upper_bound( uint64_t primary )const Searches for the object_type with the lowest primary key that is greater than a given primary key.
primary Primary key that establishes the target value for the upper bound search
an iterator pointing to the object_type that has the lowest primary key that is greater than primary, OR
the end iterator if an object could not be found, including if the table does not exist


Method Description
secondary_index get_index<IndexName>() Returns an appropriately typed Secondary Index.
secondary_index get_index<IndexName>() const
IndexName the ID of the desired secondary index
Returns An index of the appropriate type, i.e., one of the following:
idx64 Primitive 64-bit unsigned integer key
idx128 Primitive 128-bit unsigned integer key
idx256 256-bit fixed-size lexicographical key
idx_double Double precision floating point key
idx_long_double Quadruple precision floating point key


Method Description
const_iterator iterator_to( const object_type& obj )const Returns an iterator to the given object in a Multi-Index table.
obj a reference to the desired object
Returns An iterator to the given object


The indexed_by struct is used to instantiate the indices for the Multi-Index table. In EOSIO, up to 16 secondary indices can be specified.

template<uint64_t IndexName, typename Extractor>
struct indexed_by {
   enum constants { index_name   = IndexName };
   typedef Extractor secondary_extractor_type;


  • IndexName is the name of the index. The name must be provided as an EOSIO base32 encoded 64-bit integer and must conform to the EOSIO naming requirements of a maximum of 13 characters, the first twelve from the lowercase characters a-z, digits 0-5, and ".", and if there is a 13th character, it is restricted to lowercase characters a-p and ".".
  • Extractor is a function call operator that takes a const reference to the table object type and returns either a secondary key type or a reference to a secondary key type. It is recommended to use the eosio::const_mem_fun template, which is a type alias to the boost::multi_index::const_mem_fun. See the documentation for the Boost const_mem_fun key extractor for more details.


  multi_index<mytable, record,
     indexed_by< N(bysecondary), const_mem_fun<record, uint128_t, &record::get_secondary> >
  > table( code, scope);

In this example, the Multi-Index table is named mytable, has object (row) type record, is indexed by a secondary index named bysecondary, whose name is converted to the required encoded format using the N macro. A const_mem_fun key extractor is specified for the record object class; the key type is uint128_t, obtained using the record::get_secondary function.

The eosio::multi_index::index API (Secondary Indices)

An EOSIO Multi-Index table can have up to 16 secondary indices. An index can be retrieved from the multi_index object using the get_index method, and can then be iterated using a common C++ iterator pattern.

The index API described here operates in many ways the same as the multi_index described above, but it also differs in some significant ways.

  • An index is intended to provide alternate means to access the Multi-Index Table.
  • The content of a secondary index table is basically a key mapping to a primary key. That mapping is transparent to the user.
  • Some operations do not apply to secondary indices, most notably, one does not emplace content using a secondary index. Objects can be modified and erased using a secondary index.
  • Operations for retrieving primary content using a secondary table are virtually the same, differing primarily in the key values that are used (you cannot pass an object to a secondary index to find it in the table). The key values will be one of the supported secondary index types:
    • idx64 - Primitive 64-bit unsigned integer key
    • idx128 - Primitive 128-bit unsigned integer key
    • idx256 - 256-bit fixed-size lexicographical key (does not support arithmetic operations)
    • idx_double - Double precision floating point key
    • idx_long_double - Long Double (quadruple) precision floating point key
  • Secondary indices have code and scope member properties, the same as the corresponding properties on the Multi-Index table.
Alias Description
object_type The typename of an object in the Multi-Index table
secondary_index An appropriately typed reference to a Secondary Index


A secondary index is created as part of the construction of the Multi-Index table. Direct construction of index is not supported.

Copy and Assignment

Copy constructors and assignment operators are not supported.

Table Manipulation


Method Description
const object_type& get( secondary_key_type&& secondary )const Retrieves an existing object from a table using its secondary key. Multiple signatures are available.
const object_type& get( const secondary_key_type& secondary )const
secondary secondary key value of the object
Returns A constant reference to the object containing the specified secondary key.
Precondition None
Postcondition None
Exceptions No object matches the given key


Method Description
const_iterator find( secondary_key_type&& secondary )const Search for an existing object in a table using a secondary key.
const_iterator find( const secondary_key_type&& secondary )const
secondary secondary key value of the object
An iterator to the found object which has a secondary key equal to secondary, OR
The end iterator if an object with secondary key secondary is not found
Precondition None
Postcondition None
Exceptions None


Method Description
void modify( const_iterator itr, uint64_t payer, Lambda&& updater ) Modifies an existing object in a table.
itr an iterator pointing to the object to be updated
payer account name of the payer for the Storage usage of the updated row; a value of 0 indicates that the payer of the modified row is the same as the existing payer.
updater lambda function that updates the target object
itr points to an existing object in the table.
payer is a valid account that authorized the current action (and thus allowed to be billed for storage usage)
The modified object is serialized, then replaces the existing object in the table.
Secondary indices are updated; the primary key of the updated object is not changed.
The payer is charged for the storage usage of the updated object.
If payer is the same as the existing payer, payer only pays for the usage difference between existing and updated object (and is refunded if this difference is negative).
If payer is different from the existing payer, the existing payer is refunded for the storage usage of the existing object.
If called with an invalid precondition, execution is aborted.
The current receiver is not the account that owns the table (the code of multi_index).


Method Description
const_iterator erase( const_iterator itr ) Remove an existing object from a table using its secondary key.
itr an iterator pointing to the object to be removed
Returns For the signature with const_iterator, returns a pointer to the object following the removed object.
Precondition None
The object is removed from the table and all associated storage is reclaimed.
Secondary indices associated with the table are updated.
The existing payer for storage usage of the object is refunded for the table and secondary indices usage of the removed object, and if the table and indices are removed, for the associated overhead.
The object to be removed is not in the table.
The action is not authorized to modify the table.
The given iterator is invalid.

Member Access


Method Description
uint64_t get_code() const Returns the code member property.
Returns account name of the Code that owns the Secondary Index Table


Method Description
uint64_t get_scope() const Returns the scope member property.
Returns scope id of the Scope within the Code of the Current Receiver under which the desired Secondary Index Table instance can be found


Method Description
constexpr static uint64_t name() Returns the index_table_name member constant.
Returns the table name of the Secondary Index


Method Description
constexpr static uint64_t number() Returns the index_number member constant.
Returns the number of the Secondary Index


The EOSIO secondary index iterators follow a pattern that is common to C++ iterators.


Method Description
struct const_iterator : public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, const object_type> A bi-directional iterator to objects in a Multi-Index table.
object_type the typename of the object in the table


Method Description
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator A reverse bi-directional iterator to objects in a Multi-Index table.

begin and cbegin

Method Description
const_iterator begin()const Returns an iterator pointing to the lowest secondary key value in the secondary index table.
const_iterator cbegin()const

end and cend

Method Description
const_iterator end()const Returns an iterator pointing to the virtual row representing just past the last row of the table (assuming one exists); cannot be dereferenced; can be advanced backward but not forward.
const_iterator cend()const

rbegin and crbegin

Method Description
const_iterator rbegin()const Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the highest secondary key value in the secondary index table.
const_iterator crbegin()const

rend and crend

Method Description
const_iterator rend()const Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the virtual row representing just before the first row of the table (assuming one exists); cannot be dereferenced; can be advanced forward but not backward.
const_iterator crend()const


Method Description
const_iterator lower_bound( secondary_key_type&& secondary )const Searches for the object_type with the lowest secondary key that is greater than or equal to a given secondary key.
const_iterator lower_bound( const secondary_key_type&& secondary )const
secondary Secondary key that establishes the target value for the lower bound search
an iterator pointing to the object in the secondary index that has the lowest secondary key that is greater than or equal to secondary, OR
the end iterator if an object could not be found, including if the table does not exist


Method Description
const_iterator upper_bound( secondary_key_type&& secondary )const Searches for the object_type with the lowest secondary key that is greater than a given secondary key.
const_iterator upper_bound( const secondary_key_type&& secondary )const
secondary Secondary key that establishes the target value for the upper bound search
an iterator pointing to the object in the secondary index that has the lowest secondary key that is greater than secondary, OR
the end iterator if an object could not be found, including if the table does not exist


Method Description
const_iterator iterator_to( const object_type& obj )const Returns a secondary index iterator to the given object in the Multi-Index table.
obj a const reference to the desired object
Returns An iterator to the given object



Method Description
static auto extract_secondary_key(const object_type& obj) Returns the secondary key value for an object from a secondary index.
obj a const reference to the desired object
Returns A key value for the given object, for that index