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788 lines (698 loc) · 48.4 KB

Upcoming Release

  • Added SkuProfileVmSize and SkuProfileAllocationStrategy parameters to New-AzVmss, New-AzVmssConfig, and Update-AzVmss cmdlets for VMSS Instance Mix operations.
  • Added a new optional parameter -GenerateSshKey-type to the New-AzVM cmdlet, allowing users to specify the type of SSH key to generate (Ed25519 or RSA).
  • Added EnableResilientVMCreate and EnableResilientVMDelete parameters to Update-AzVmss and New-AzVmssConfig cmdlets for enhanced VM resilience options.
  • Added IsVMInStandByPool property to PSVirtualMachineInstanceView object. [#25736]

Version 8.3.0

  • Fixed secrets exposure in example documentation.
  • References are updated to use 2024-07-01 ComputeRP and 2024-03-02 DiskRP REST API calls.
  • Added information on how to find VM Images when using New-AzVM with -Image parameter.
  • Added TimeCreated read-only field to PSVirtualMachineScaleSetVMProfile object.
  • Added parameter -ResourceIdsOnly to Get-AzCapacityReservationGroup cmdlet.
  • Changed the Set-AzVMOperatingSystem cmdlet when the -VM parameter is used without an OSProfile. Now it will not throw a null reference exception when -Credential is not provided.
  • Added parameter -ForceDetach to Remove-AzVMDataDisk cmdlet.

Version 8.2.0

  • Renamed parameter -VmId to -SourceId and added -VmId as an alias to New-AzRestorePointCollection cmdlet.

Version 8.1.0

  • Added parameter -SourceResourceId to cmdlet Add-AzVMDataDisk.
  • Added parameter -IdentityType to cmdlet Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet.
  • Added Invoke-AzSpotPlacementScore cmdlet, which calls the latest Spot Placement Score API. Set the original Invoke-AzSpotPlacementRecommender as alias to avoid breaking changes.

Version 8.0.0

  • Added new optional parameter SecureVMGuestStateSAS to cmdlet Grant-AzDiskAccess.
  • [Breaking Change] Added ValidateNotNullOrEmpty for -ResourceGroupName and -VMScaleSetName parameters to Get-AzVmss cmdlet. [#20095]
  • Added Etag property to PSVirtualMachine and PSVirtualMachineScaleSet objects.
  • Added parameters -IfMatch and -IfNoneMatch to Update-AzVM, Update-AzVmss, New-AzVm, New-AzVmss, New-AzVmConfig, and New-AzVmssConfig cmdlets.
  • [Breaking Change] Cmdlet New-AzGalleryImageDefinition will default parameter -HyperVGeneration to V2 if it is not set as V1 explicitly, and also default parameter -Feature by adding @{Name='SecurityType';Value='TrustedLaunchSupported'} if the SecurityType feature is not set explicitly.
  • Resolved the bug with New-AzVMConfig for -CommunityGalleryImageId and -SharedGalleryImageId parameters.
  • [Breaking Change] Added ValidateNotNullOrEmpty for -ResourceGroupName and -VMScaleSetName parameters to Get-AzVmss cmdlet. [#20095]
  • [Breaking Change] Added new business logic to New-AzVmss and New-AzVM cmdlets. When the user explicitly sets the SecurityType to Standard, the Image alias defaults to Win2022AzureEdition to make future migrations to Trusted Launch easier.

Version 7.3.0

  • Added cmdlet Invoke-AzSpotPlacementRecommender.
  • Fixed Update-AzCapacityReservationGroup to remove Subscriptions from SharingProfile.

Version 7.2.0

  • Added parameters -scriptUriManagedIdentity, -outputBlobManagedIdentity, -errorBlobMangedIdentity, and -TreatFailureAsDeploymentFailure to cmdlets Set-AzVmRunCommand and Set-AzVmssRunCommand.
  • Added new parameter -EnableAutomaticOSUpgrade to New-AzVmss cmdlet.
  • Renamed parameter -AutoOSUpgrade to -EnableAutomaticOSUpgrade in New-AzVmssConfig cmdlet for consistency. Using -AutoOSUpgrade as parameter name will continue to work as it is added as an alias.
  • Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.37.0.
  • Az.Compute is updated to use the 2023-07-03 GalleryRP, 2024-03-01 ComputeRP and 2023-10-02 DiskRP API.
  • Added new parameter -TierOption to New-AzSnapshotConfig.
  • Added breaking change warnings for the May 2024 release. The warnings are for: New-AzGalleryImageVersion defaulting to turn on TrustedLaunchSupported and HyperVGeneration to V2. New-AzVM and New-AzVmss will default to the image Windows Server 2022 Azure Edition instead of Windows 2016 Datacenter by default. Get-AzVmss will no longer allow empty values to ResourceGroupName and VMScaleSetName to avoid a bug where it will just return nothing.
  • Added a new parameter -SharingProfile to New-AzCapacityReservationGroup and Update-AzCapacityReservationGroup.
  • Added the new parameter SourceImageVMId to the New-AzGalleryImageVersion cmdlet. Also added some error messages for this new parameter and the existing parameter SourceImageId.
  • Updated parameter -TargetRegion in New-AzGalleryImageVersion and Update-AzGalleryImageVersion to accept ExcludeFromLatest field.

Version 7.1.2

  • Fixed New-AzVM when a source image is specified to avoid an error on the Version value.

Version 7.1.1

  • Fixed New-AzVmss to correctly work when using -EdgeZone by creating the Load Balancer in the correct edge zone.
  • Removed references to image aliases in New-AzVM and New-AzVmss to images that were removed.
  • Az.Compute is updated to use the 2023-09-01 ComputeRP REST API calls.

Version 7.1.0

  • Added new parameter -ElasticSanResourceId to New-AzSnapshotConfig cmdlet.
  • Added new parameter -OptimizedForFrequentAttach to New-AzDiskConfig cmdlet.
  • Added new examples in New-AzVM and New-AzVmss for TrustedLaunch default usage.
  • Fixed the New-AzVM bug to avoid accessing the EncryptionAtHost property for subscriptions who cannot access it since it is behind a feature flag.
  • Updated Get-AzVmExtension to return instanceView when used with -Status.
  • Reverted SSH Private Key File permission changes in New-AzVm.

Version 7.0.0

  • Added update functionality in Update-AzVmss for parameters SecurityType, EnableSecureBoot, and EnableVtpm for the parameter set with the Put operation.
  • Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.35.0.
  • [Breaking change] Removed unversioned and outdated linux image aliases of CentOS, RHEL, UbuntuLTS and Debian.
  • [Breaking change] New-AzVmss will default to OrchestrationMode set as Flexible if it is not set as Uniform explicitly.
  • New-AzVmss can now create VMSS with OrchestrationMode set to Flexible using -SinglePlacementGroup and -UpgradePolicy.
  • Removed unversioned and outdated images from New-AzVmss -ImageName argument completers.
  • [Breaking Change] Added defaulting logic for VM and VMSS creation to set SecurityType to TrustedLaunch and SecureBootEnabled and VTpmEnalbed to true when those are not set by the user.
  • [Breaking Change] Added defaulting logic for Disk creation to default to TrustedLaunch when able. Allows the user to turn this off by setting the SecurityType to Standard.
  • Added new parameter -VirtualMachineScaleSetId to Update-AzVm cmdlet.
  • Fixed New-AzVmss and New-Azvm to use SharedGalleryImageId parameter.
  • Reduced File Permissions from 0644 to 0600 for SSH Private Key File in New-AzVm.
  • Removed GuestAttestaion vm extension installation for Vmss and Vm creation cmdlets.

Version 6.3.0

  • Added -Hibernate switch parameter to Stop-AzVmss default parameter set.
  • For Get-AzVmRunCommand, a bug is fixed to work when returning a list of RunCommands [#22403]
  • Updated Azure.Core to 1.34.0.
  • Added new cmdlets Get-AzHostSize and Update-AzHost.
  • Added the Standard value to the SecurityType parameter to the cmdlets Set-AzDiskSecurityType, New-AzvmssConfig, Set-AzVmssSecurityProfile, Update-AzVmss, New-AzVmss, New-AzVMConfig, Set-AzVMsecurityProfile, and New-AzVM.
  • Fixed Update-AzVMSS to update ImageReferenceSKU [#22195]
  • Updated the above change to include New-AzVMConfig as 1 scenario was initially missed when only using this cmdlet.

Version 6.2.0

  • Fixed the Update-AzVmss cmdlet so the AutomaticRepairGracePeriod, AutomaticRepairAction, and EnableAutomaticRepair parameters function correctly.
  • Updated help doc for New-AzVM, New-AzVMConfig, New-AzVmss, New-AzVmssConfig, Update-AzVM, and Update-AzVmss to include parameters that were previously added for Trusted Launch features.
  • Updated Azure.Core to 1.33.0.

Version 6.1.0

  • Added useful examples to the New-AzVMConfig help doc.
  • Added new ResourceId parameter to the Get-AzVmss cmdlet.
  • Added -SecurityType, -EnableSecureBoot and -EnableVtpm parameters to New-AzVm,New-AzVmConfig, New-AzVmss, New-AzVmssConfig, Update-AzVm and Update-AzVmss cmdlets.
  • Configured parameter flags -EnableSecureBoot and -EnableVtpm to default to True for TrustedLaunch and ConfidentialVM values for the -SecurityType parameter in New-AzVm,New-AzVmConfig, New-AzVmss, New-AzVmssConfig, Update-AzVm and Update-AzVmss cmdlets.
  • Added a message to the user when they provide an outdated image alias to New-AzVM via the -Image parameter or to New-AzVmss via the -ImageName parameter. The non-versioned image aliases were updated to versioned values in October 2023, and this message is to help urge customers to use the newer versioned image alias values.
  • Changed the installation behavior for the GuestAttestation extension in New-AzVM and New-AzVmss to set the property EnableAutomaticUpgrade to true.
  • Changes to Set-AzVMOperatingSystem to correct unnecessary mandatory parameters.
  • Changed the region for example 3 to eastus2 in the New-AzVM doc to resolve SKU not available errors.

Version 6.0.0

  • Added new switch parameter OSImageScheduledEventEnabled and string parameter OSImageScheduledEventNotBeforeTimeoutInMinutes to the cmdlets New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmss.
  • Fixed an issue that Add-AzVhd throws FileNotFoundException on Windows PowerShell. [#21321]
  • Removed the NextLink parameter and parameter set from the Get-AzVM cmdlet.

Version 5.7.1

  • Added a breaking change warning to the Get-AzVM cmdlet to show that the NextLink parameter and parameter set will be removed in June 2023. The parameter has been non-functional for a long time.
  • Updated the breaking change warning in New-AzVM and New-AzVmss regarding using the new versioned image aliases to indicate that certain aliases will be removed next breaking change release.
  • Updated the Get-AzVMRunCommand to include the ProvisioningState value. Fix [#21473]
  • Updated Azure.Core to 1.31.0.

Version 5.7.0

  • Addressed bug in Remove-AzVmss to throw error when -InstanceId is null. [#21162]
  • Added -CustomData, -AdminPassword, and -ExactVersion parameters to Invoke-AzVMReimage.
  • Removed the image alias CoreOS as the publisher CoreOS no longer has any images for Azure. Updated the names of the openSUSE-Leap and SLES aliases to OpenSuseLeap154 and SuseSles15SP4 respectively. Updated these aliases to point to an image that actually exists.
  • Added a breaking change warning to New-AzVM and New-AzVmss for future planned image alias removals due to the images reaching their End of Support date.
  • Added new descriptive and versioned alias names for the Linux image aliases, including a new alias for the Kinvolk publisher.
  • Added 'ImageDeprecationStatus' to the output of Get-AzVmImage.

Version 5.6.0

  • Added -NetworkAccessPolicy parameter to New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig.
  • Added -SharedGalleryImageId parameter to New-AzVM, New-AzVmConfig, New-AzVmss, New-AzVmssConfig, Update-AzVmss, and Set-AzVmssStorageProfile.
  • Updated Set-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension to correct capitalization by passing "StorageAccount" as configuration property instead of "storageAccount".
  • Added condition in Automapper configurations to check for null Tag values for PSDiskUpdate and PSSnapshotUpdate to fix bug in Update-AzDisk and Update-AzSnapshot.

Version 5.5.0

  • Added breaking change message for New-AzVmss.
  • Added -PerformancePlus parameter to New-AzDiskConfig
  • Added 'MaxSurge' to Set-AzVmssRollingUpgradePolicyCommand
  • Added support for 'latest' in 'Get-AzvmImage' '-Version' parameter
  • Added CompletionPercent property to PSDisk object.

Version 5.4.0

  • Added -SkipIdentity, -PathUserIdentity, -IsTest parameter to Set-AzVMAEMExtension
  • Added ConsistencyMode parameter to New-AzRestorePoint.
  • Updated the storage account type value in several locations from the outdated StandardLRS to the current Standard_LRS.
  • Filled in missing parameter descriptions across multiple parameters and improved some existing parameter descriptions.
  • Updated Compute PS to use the new .Net SDK version 59.0.0. This includes an approved breaking change for a non-functional feature.
    • The type of the property Source of type Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.GalleryDataDiskImage, Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.GalleryOSDiskImage, and Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.GalleryImageVersionStorageProfile has changed from Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.GalleryArtifactVersionSource to Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.GalleryDiskImageSource.
  • Updated the broken UbuntuLTS image alias to use its original sku version of 16.04-LTS instead of the nonexistent image 20.04-LTS. This fixes an issue introduced in the version 5.3.0 release.
  • Updated Set-AzVMRunCommand and Set-AzVmssRunCommand ScriptLocalPath parameter set to work with Linux and with files that have comments.
  • Added -TargetExtendedLocation parameter to New-AzGalleryImageVersion and Update-AzGalleryImageVersion
  • Added -AllowDeletionOfReplicatedLocation to Update-AzGalleryImageVersion

Version 5.3.0

  • Removed the image Win2008R2SP1 from the list of available images and documentation. This image is no longer available on the backend so the client tools need to sync to that change.
  • Fixed a bug for creating Linux VM's from SIG/Community Gallery Images
  • Added ImageReferenceId string parameter to the New-AzVmssConfig cmdlet. This allows gallery image references to be added for the Confidential VM feature.
  • Added SecurityEncryptionType and SecureVMDiskEncryptionSet string parameters to the Set-AzVmssStorageProfile cmdlet for the Confidential VM feature.

Version 5.2.0

  • Fixed issue found for Set-AzVmssVMRunCommand [#19985]
  • Fixed Get-AzVm cmdlet when parameter "-Status" is provided, return property OsName, OsVersion and HyperVGeneration
  • Fixed New-AzVM cmdlet when creating VM with bootdiagnostic storage causes exception Kind cannot be null.

Version 5.1.1

  • Upgraded AutoMapper to Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.AutoMapper 6.2.2 with fix [#18721]

Version 5.1.0

  • Fixed EdgeZone does not pass to VM for New-AzVM "SimpleParameterSet" [#18978]
  • Added 'ScriptFilePath' parameter set for Set-AzVMRunCommand and Set-AzVmssVMRunCommand to allow users to pass in the path of the file that has the run command script
  • Added -AsJob optional parameter to Remove-AzVMExtension cmdlet.
  • Added -EdgeZone optional parameter for Get-AzComputeResourceSku and New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig cmdlets.
  • Added Disk Delete Optional parameters OsDisk Deletion Option and Delete Option to the Set-AzVmssStorageProfile (OS Disk) and Add-AzVmssDataDisk (Data Disk)
  • Improved printed output for Get-AzComputeResourceSku
  • Updated Get-AzHost cmdlet logic to return Host for -ResourceId parameterset.
  • Added -OSDiskSizeGB optional parameter for Set-AzVmssStorageProfile.
  • Improved cmdlet description for Set-AzVM and added examples.
  • Updated property mapping for parameter Encryption of New-AzGalleryImageVersion
  • Updated list format to display all VmssVmRunCommand properties for Get-AzVmssVmRunCommand
  • Updated Get-AzGallery, New-AzGallery, Update-AzGallery, Get-AzGalleryImageDefinition, Get-AzGalleryImageVersion, New-AzVm and New-AzVmss to support community galleries

Version 5.0.0

  • Added the TimeCreated property to the Virtual Machine and Virtual Machine Scale Set models.
  • Added Confidential VM functionality to multiple cmdlets.
    • Added new parameter SecureVMDiskEncryptionSet to cmdlet Set-AzDiskSecurityProfile.
    • Added new parameters SecureVMDiskEncryptionSet and SecurityEncryptionType to cmdlet Set-AzVMOSDisk.
  • Improved cmdlet descriptions and parameter descriptions for VM/VMSS creation.
  • Added the 'BaseRegularPriorityCount' integer property to the following cmdlets: New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmssConfig
  • Added the 'RegularPriorityPercentage' integer property to the following cmdlets: New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmssConfig
  • Added Breaking Changes for Add-AzVMAdditionalUnattendContent and Get-AzGallery cmdlets
  • Added -DiskControllerType property to the following cmdlets: New-AzVm, New-AzVmss, New-AzVmConfig, Set-AzVmssStorageProfile

Version 4.31.0

  • Added Trusted Launch Generic Breaking Change warning for New-AzVM, New-AzDisk and New-AzVMSS cmdlets.
  • Get-AzVMRunCommand now shows all the properties of VMRunCommand in a list format.
  • Added new Parameter -PublicIpSku to the NewAzVM cmdlet with acceptable values : "Basic" and "Standard".
  • Added Generic Breaking Change PublicIpSku Warning and Overridden -Zone logic when -PublicIpSku is explicitly provided.
  • Added Disk Delete Optional parameters OsDisk Deletion Option and Delete Option to the Set-AzVmssStorageProfile (OS Disk) and Add-AzVmssDataDisk (Data Disk)
  • Improved printed output for Get-AzComputeResourceSku
  • Updated Update-AzVm to give constructive error messages when empty variables are passed in parameters. [#15081]
  • Added Zone and IntentVMSizeList optional parameters to the cmdlet New-AzProximityPlacementGroup.
  • Added parameters to Gallery cmdlets for Community Galleries
  • For New-AzGalleryImageVersion, CVMEncryptionType and CVMDiskEncryptionSetID added as keys for parameter -Target.

Version 4.30.0

  • Added parameters PackageFileName, ConfigFileName for New-AzGalleryApplicationVersion

Version 4.29.0

  • Added image alias 'Win2022AzureEditionCore'
  • Added the -DisableIntegrityMonitoring switch parameter to the New-AzVM cmdlet. Changed the default behavior for New-AzVM and New-AzVmss when these conditions are met:
    1. -DisableIntegrityMonitoring is not true.
    2. SecurityType on the SecurityProfile is TrustedLaunch.
    3. VTpmEnabled on the SecurityProfile is true.
    4. SecureBootEnabled on the SecurityProfile is true. Now New-AzVM will install the Guest Attestation extension to the new VM when these conditions are met. Now New-AzVmss will install the Guest Attestation extension to the new Vmss when these conditions are met and installed to all VM instances in the Vmss.
  • Added -UserAssignedIdentity and -FederatedClientId to the following cmdlets:
    • New-AzDiskEncryptionSetConfig
    • Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet
  • Added -TreatFailureAsDeploymentFailure to cmdlets Add-AzVmGalleryApplication and Add-AzVmssGalleryApplication
  • Removed Exceptions for when SinglePlacementGroup is set to true in 'OrchestrationMode'

Version 4.28.0

  • For Add-AzVhd upon upload failure using DirectUploadToManagedDisk parameter set, the SAS will be revoked and the created managed disk will be deleted.
  • An unresolved path can be passed in for '-LocalFilePath' for Add-AzVhd. The cmdlet with unresolve the path itself.
  • Added -DataAccessAuthMode parameter to Add-AzVhd DirectUploadToManagedDisk parameter set.
  • Added -EnabldUltraSSD parameter to New-AzHostGroup.

Version 4.27.0

  • Edited New-AzVm cmdlet internal logic to use the PlatformFaultDomain value in the PSVirtualMachine object passed to it in the new virtual machine.
  • Added a new cmdlet named Restart-AzHost to restart dedicated hosts.
  • Added -DataAccessAuthMode parameter to the following cmdlets:
    • New-AzDiskConfig
    • New-AzDiskUpdateConfig
    • New-AzSnapshotConfig
    • New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig
  • Added -Architecture parameter to the following cmdlets:
    • New-AzDiskConfig
    • New-AzDiskUpdateConfig
    • New-AzSnapshotConfig
    • New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig
    • New-AzGalleryImageDefinition
  • Added -InstanceView parameter to Get-AzRestorePoint
  • Added parameter -ScriptString to Invoke-AzvmRunCommand and Invoke-AzvmssRunCommand
  • Added parameter -ScaleInPolicyForceDeletion to Update-Azvmss

Version 4.26.0

  • Added -ImageReferenceId parameter to following cmdlets: New-AzVm, New-AzVmConfig, New-AzVmss, Set-AzVmssStorageProfile
  • Added functionality for cross-tenant image reference for VM, VMSS, Managed Disk, and Gallery Image Version creation.
  • New-AzGallery can take in -Permission parameter to set its sharingProfile property.
  • Update-AzGallery can update sharingProfile.
  • Get-AzGallery can take in -Expand parameter for expanded resource view.
  • New parameter set for the following cmdlets to support Shared Image Gallery Direct Sharing
    • Get-AzGallery
    • Get-AzGalleryImageDefinition
    • Get-AzGalleryImageVersion
  • Updates and improvements to Add-AzVhd
    • Added -DiskHyperVGeneration and -DiskOsType parameters to the DirectUploadToManagedDisk parameter set for upload to more robust managed disk settings.
    • Updated progress output functions so that it works with VHD files with "&" character in its name.
    • Updated so that uploading dynamically sized VHD files are converted to fixed size during upload.
    • Fixed a bug in uploading a differencing disk.
    • Automatically delete converted/resized VHD files after upload.
    • Fixed a bug that indicates -ResourceGroupName parameter as optional when it is actually mandatory.

Version 4.25.0

  • Updated New-AzVM to create a new storage account for boot diagnostics if one does not exist. This will prevent the cmdlet from using a random storage account in the current subscription to use for boot diagnostics.
  • Added AutomaticRepairAction string parameter to the New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmss cmdlets.
  • Updated Get-AzVm to include GetVirtualMachineById parameter set.
  • Edited the documentation for the cmdlet Set-AzVMADDomainExtension to ensure the example is accurate.
  • Improved description and examples for disk creation.
  • Added new parameters to New-AzRestorePoint and New-AzRestorePointCollection for copying Restore Points and Restore Point Collections.
  • Added Zone and PlacementGroupId Parameters to Repair-AzVmssServiceFabricUpdateDomain.
  • Edited New-AzVmss logic to better check for null properties when the parameter OrchestrationMode is used.

Version 4.24.1

  • Updated New-AzVM feature for vCPUsAvailable and vCPUsPerCore parameters. Cmdlets will not try to use the new VMCustomizationPreview feature if the user does not have access to that feature. [#17370]

Version 4.24.0

  • Upgraded Compute .NET SDK package reference to version 52.0.0
  • Updated New-AzSshKey cmdlet to write file paths to generated keys to the Warning stream instead of the console.
  • Added vCPUsAvailable and vCPUsPerCore integer parameters to the New-AzVm, New-AzVmConfig, and Update-AzVm cmdlets.

Version 4.23.0

  • Remove ProvisioningDetails property from PSRestorePoint object.
  • Updated Set-AzVmExtension cmdlet to properly display -Name and -Location parameters as mandatory.
  • Edited New-AzVmssConfig second example so it runs successfully by changing the Tag input to the correct format.
  • Added Hibernate parameter to Stop-AzVm cmdlet.
  • Added HibernationEnabled parameter to New-AzVm, New-AzVmConfig, and Update-AzVm cmdlets.
  • Added EnableHotpatching parameter to the Set-AzVmssOSProfile cmdlet.
  • Added 'ForceDeletion' parameter to Remove-AzVM and Remove-AzVMSS.

Version 4.22.0

  • Updated UserData parameter in VM and VMSS cmdlets to pipe by the Property Name to ensure piping scenarios occur correctly.
  • Changed New-AzVM cmdlet when using the SimpleParameterSet to not create a PublicIPAddress when a PublicIPAddress name is not provided.
  • Added PlatformFaultDomain parameter to cmdlets: New-AzVM and New-AzVMConfig
  • Added -Feature parameter for New-AzGalleryImageDefinition
  • Added DiffDiskPlacement string parameter to Set-AzVmOSDisk and Set-AzVmssStorageProfile cmdlets.

Version 4.21.0

  • Contains updates to the following powershell cmdlets
    • SetAzVmssDiskEncryptionExtension : Added extension parameters for the cmdlet to work with test extensions and parameter EncryptFormatAll for Virtual Machine Scale Sets
    • GetAzVmssVMDiskEncryptionStatus : Modified the functionality of the cmdlet to properly display the encryption status of data disks of Virtual Machine Scale Sets
    • SetAzDiskEncryptionExtension : Fixed a bug in the cmdlet in the migrate scenario from 2pass to 1pass encryption
  • Added Add-AzVhd to convert VHD using Hyper-V
  • Added UserData parameter to VM and VMSS cmdlets
  • Added string parameter PublicNetworkAccess to DiskConfig and SnapshotConfig cmdlets
  • Added boolean parameter AcceleratedNetwork to DiskConfig and SnapshotConfig cmdlets
  • Added CompletionPercent property to the PSSnapshot model so it is visible to the user.

Version 4.20.0

  • Added cmdlets to support gallery applications and versions:
    • Get-AzGalleryApplication
    • Get-AzGalleryApplicationVersion
    • New-AzGalleryApplication
    • New-AzGalleryApplicationVersion
    • Remove-AzGalleryApplication
    • Remove-AzGalleryApplicationVersion
    • Update-AzGalleryApplication
    • Update-AzGalleryApplicationVersion

Version 4.19.0

  • Update-AzVM will update ApplicationProfile.
  • Added new cmdlets:
    • Add-AzVmssRunCommand
    • Remove-AzVmssRunCommand

Version 4.18.0

  • Added cmdlets for adding VMGalleryApplication property to VM/VMSS
    • New-AzVmGalleryApplication
    • New-AzVmssGalleryApplication
    • Add-AzVmGalleryApplication
    • Add-AzVmssGalleryApplication
    • Remove-AzVmGalleryApplication
    • Remove-AzVmssGalleryApplication
  • Added support for proxy and debug settings for VM Extension for SAP (AEM)
  • Updated New-AzGalleryImageVersion to take in the 'Encryption' property correctly from '-TargetRegion' parameter.
  • Updated Set-AzVmBootDiagnostic to default to managed storage account if not provided.
  • Edited New-AzVmss defaulting behavior when OrchestrationMode is set to Flexible.
    • Removed NAT Pool.
    • Removed UpgradePolicy. Throws an error if provided.
    • SinglePlacementGroup must be false. Throws an error if true.
    • Networking Profile's API version is 2020-11-01 or later.
    • Networking Profile IP Configurations Primary property is set to true.

Version 4.17.1

  • Updated Compute .NET SDK package reference to version 49.1.0
  • Fixed a bug in Get-AzVM that caused incorrect power status output.

Version 4.17.0

  • Added new parameters -LinuxConfigurationPatchMode, -WindowsConfigurationPatchMode, and -LinuxConfigurationProvisionVMAgent to Set-AzVmssOSProfile
  • Added new parameters -SshKeyName and -GenerateSshKey to New-AzVM to create a VM with SSH
  • Fixed a bug in Add-AzVHD on Linux that caused uploads to fail for certain destination URI
  • Added new cmdlets for Restore Points and Restore Point Collection:
    • 'New-AzRestorePoint'
    • 'New-AzRestorePointCollection'
    • 'Get-AzRestorePoint'
    • 'Get-AzRestorePointCollection'
    • 'Update-AzRestorePointCollection'
    • 'Remove-AzRestorePoint'
    • 'Remove-AzRestorePointCollection'
  • Added new parameters '-EnableSpotRestore' and '-SpotRestoreTimeout' to 'New-AzVMSSConfig' to enable Spot Restore Policy
  • Added new cmdlets: Update-AzCapacityReservationGroup and Update-AzCapacityReservation

Version 4.16.0

  • Fixed the warning in New-AzVM cmdlet stating the sku of the VM is being defaulted even if a sku size is provided by the user. Now it only occurs when the user does not provide a sku size.
  • Edited Set-AzVmOperatingSystem cmdlet to no longer overwrite any existing EnableAutomaticUpdates value on the passed in virtual machine if it exists.
  • Updated Compute module to use the latest .Net SDK version 48.0.0.
  • Added new cmdlets for the Capacity Reservation Feature:
    • New-AzCapacityReservationGroup
    • Remove-AzCapacityReservationGroup
    • Get-AzCapacityReservationGroup
    • New-AzCapacityReservation
    • Remove-AzCapacityReservation
    • Get-AzCapacityReservation
  • Added a new parameter -CapacityReservationGroupId to the following cmdlets:
    • New-AzVm
    • New-AzVmConfig
    • New-AzVmss
    • New-AzVmssConfig
    • Update-AzVm
    • Update-AzVmss

Version 4.15.0

  • Added optional parameter -OrchestrationMode to New-AzVmss and New-AzVmssConfig
  • Updated the following cmdlets to work when the resource uses a remote image source using AKS or Shared Image Gallery.
    • Update-AzVm
    • Update-AzVmss
    • Update-AzGalleryImageVersion
  • Added parameters -EnableCrossZoneUpgrade and -PrioritizeUnhealthyInstance to the Set-AzVmssRollingUpgradePolicy
  • Added AssessmentMode parameter to the Set-AzVMOperatingSystem cmdlet.
  • Fixed a bug in Add-AzVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration
  • Fixed IOPS and throughput check in Test-AzVMAEMExtension
  • Added new cmdlets for 2020-12-01 DiskRP API version
    • New-AzDiskPurchasePlanConfig
    • Set-AzDiskSecurityProfile
  • Changed Cmdlets for 2020-12-01 DiskRP API version
    • New-AzDiskConfig
    • New-AzSnapshotConfig
    • New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig
    • New-AzDiskUpdateConfig
    • New-AzDiskEncryptionSetConfig
    • Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet

Version 4.14.0

  • Updated Compute module to use the latest .Net SDK version 47.0.0.

Version 4.13.0

  • Added Invoke-AzVmInstallPatch to support patch installation in VMs using PowerShell.
  • Updated Compute module to use the latest .Net SDK version 46.0.0.
  • Added optional parameter -EdgeZone to the following cmdlets:
    • `Get-AzVMImage
    • Get-AzVMImageOffer
    • Get-AzVMImageSku
    • New-AzDiskConfig
    • New-AzImageConfig
    • New-AzSnapshotConfig
    • New-AzVM
    • New-AzVmssConfig
    • New-AzVMSS
  • Added cmdlets to create, update, delete, and get new Azure resource: Ssh Public Key
    • New-AzSshKey
    • Remove-AzSshKey
    • Get-AzSshKey
    • Update-AzSshKey

Version 4.12.0

  • Updated the Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension cmdlet to support ADE extension migration from two pass (version with AAD input parameters) to single pass (version without AAD input parameters).
    • Added a switch parameter -Migrate to trigger migration workflow.
    • Added a switch parameter -MigrationRecovery to trigger recovery workflow for VMs experiencing failures after migration from two pass ADE.
  • Added Win2019Datacenter in the argument completer list for Image parameter in the New-AzVM cmdlet.

Version 4.11.0

  • Fixed a bug when 1 data disk attached to VMSS for Remove-AzVmssDataDisk [#13368]
  • Added new cmdlets to support TrustedLaunch related cmdlets:
    • Set-AzVmSecurityProfile
    • Set-AzVmUefi
    • Set-AzVmssSecurityProfile
    • Set-AzVmssUefi
  • Edited default value for Size parameter in New-AzVM cmdlet from Standard_DS1_v2 to Standard_D2s_v3.

Version 4.10.0

  • Added parameter -EnableHotpatching to the Set-AzVMOperatingSystem cmdlet for Windows machines.
  • Added parameter -PatchMode to the Linux parameter sets in the cmdlet Set-AzVMOperatingSystem.
  • [Breaking Change] Breaking changes for users in the public preview for the VM Guest Patching feature.
    • Removed property RebootStatus from the Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.LastPatchInstallationSummary object.
    • Removed property StartedBy from the Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.LastPatchInstallationSummary object.
    • Renamed property Kbid to KbId in the Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineSoftwarePatchProperties object.
    • Renamed property patches to availablePatches in the Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachineAssessPatchesResult object.
    • Renamed object Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.SoftwareUpdateRebootBehavior to Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VMGuestPatchRebootBehavior.
    • Renamed object Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.InGuestPatchMode to Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.WindowsVMGuestPatchMode.
  • [Breaking Change] Removed all ContainerService cmdlets. The Container Service API was deprecated in January 2020.
    • Add-AzContainerServiceAgentPoolProfile
    • Get-AzContainerService
    • New-AzContainerService
    • New-AzContainerServiceConfig
    • Remove-AzContainerService
    • Remove-AzContainerServiceAgentPoolProfile
    • Update-AzContainerService

Version 4.9.0

  • Added parameter -EnableAutomaticUpgrade to Set-AzVmExtension and Add-AzVmssExtension.
  • Removed FilterExpression parameter from Get-AzVMImage cmdlet documentation.
  • Added deprecation message to the ContainerService cmdlets:
    • Add-AzureRmContainerServiceAgentPoolProfileCommand
    • Get-AzContainerService
    • New-AzContainerService
    • New-AzContainerServiceConfig
    • Remove-AzContainerService
    • Remove-AzContainerServiceAgentPoolProfile
    • Update-AzContainerService
  • Added parameter -BurstingEnabled to New-AzDiskConfig and New-AzDiskUpdateConfig
  • Added -GroupByApplicationId and -GroupByUserAgent parameters to the Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequest and Export-AzLogAnalyticRequestRateByInterval cmdlets.
  • Added VMParameterSet parameter set to Get-AzVMExtension cmdlet. Added new parameter -VM to this parameter set.

Version 4.8.0

  • New parameter VM in new parameter set VMParameterSet added to Get-AzVMDscExtensionStatus and Get-AzVMDscExtension cmdlets.
  • Edited New-AzSnapshot cmdlet to check for existing snapshot with the same name in the same resource group.
    • Throws an error if a duplicate snapshot exists.

Version 4.7.0

  • Edited Get-AzVm to filter by -Name prior to checking for throttling due to too many resources.
  • New cmdlet Start-AzVmssRollingExtensionUpgrade.

Version 4.6.0

  • Added -VmssId parameter to New-AzVm
  • Added PlatformFaultDomainCount parameter to the New-AzVmss cmdlet.
  • New cmdlet Get-AzDiskEncryptionSetAssociatedResource
  • Added Tier and LogicalSectorSize optional parameters to the New-AzDiskConfig cmdlet.
  • Added Tier, MaxSharesCount, DiskIOPSReadOnly, and DiskMBpsReadOnly optional parameters to the New-AzDiskUpdateConfig cmdlet.
  • Modified Get-AzVmBootDiagnostics cmdlet to use the new RetrieveBootDiagnosticsData API instead of directly accessing the BootDiagnostics properties on the virtual machine.

Version 4.5.0

  • Fixed issue in Update-ASRRecoveryPlan by populating FailoverTypes
  • Added the -Top and -OrderBy optional parameters to the Get-AzVmImage cmdlet.

Version 4.4.0

  • Added the -EncryptionType optional parameter to New-AzVmDiskEncryptionSetConfig
  • New cmdlets for new resource type: DiskAccess Get-AzDiskAccess, New-AzDiskAccess, Get-AzDiskAccess
  • Added optional parameters -DiskAccessId and -NetworkAccessPolicy to New-AzSnapshotConfig
  • Added optional parameters -DiskAccessId and -NetworkAccessPolicy to New-AzDiskConfig
  • Added PatchStatus property to VirtualMachine Instance View
  • Added VMHealth property to the virtual machine's instance view, which is the returned object when Get-AzVm is invoked with -Status
  • Added AssignedHost field to Get-AzVM and Get-AzVmss instance views. The field shows the resource id of the virtual machine instance
  • Added optional parameter -SupportAutomaticPlacement to New-AzHostGroup
  • Added the -HostGroupId parameter to New-AzVm and New-AzVmss

Version 4.3.1

  • Patched -EncryptionAtHost parameter in New-AzVm to remove default value of false [#12776]

Version 4.3.0

  • Added -EncryptionAtHost parameter to New-AzVm, New-AzVmss, New-AzVMConfig, New-AzVmssConfig, Update-AzVM, and Update-AzVmss
  • Added SecurityProfile to Get-AzVM and Get-AzVmss return object
  • Added -InstanceView switch as optional parameter to Get-AzHostGroup
  • Added new cmdlet Invoke-AzVmPatchAssessment

Version 4.2.1

  • Added warning when using New-AzVmss without "latest" image version
  • Added '-Location' as optional positional parameter to Get-AzComputeResourceSku cmdlet

Version 4.2.0

  • Added SimulateEviction parameter to Set-AzVM and Set-AzVmssVM cmdlets.
  • Added 'Premium_LRS' to the argument completer of StorageAccountType parameter for New-AzGalleryImageVersion cmdlet.
  • Added Substatuses to VMCustomScriptExtension [#11297]
  • Added 'Delete' to the argument completer of EvictionPolicy parameter for New-AzVM and New-AzVMConfig cmdlets.
  • Fixed name of new VM Extension for SAP

Version 4.1.0

  • Added HostId parameter to Update-AzVM cmdlet
  • Updated Help documents for New-AzVMConfig, New-AzVmssConfig, Update-AzVmss, Set-AzVMOperatingSystem and Set-AzVmssOsProfile cmdlets.
  • Breaking changes
    • FilterExpression parameter is removed from Get-AzVMImage cmdlet.
    • AssignIdentity parameter is removed from New-AzVmssConfig, New-AzVMConfig and Update-AzVM cmdlets.
    • AutomaticRepairMaxInstanceRepairsPercent is removed from New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmss cmdlets.
    • AvailabilitySetsColocationStatus, VirtualMachinesColocationStatus and VirtualMachineScaleSetsColocationStatus properties are removed from ProximityPlacementGroup.
    • MaxInstanceRepairsPercent property is removed from AutomaticRepairsPolicy.
    • The types of AvailabilitySets, VirtualMachines and VirtualMachineScaleSets are changed from IList to IList.
  • Description for Get-AzVM cmdlet has been updated to better describe it.

Version 3.7.0

  • Added Set-AzVmssOrchestrationServiceState cmdlet.
  • Get-AzVmss with -InstanceView shows OrchestrationService states.

Version 3.6.0

  • Added the following parameters to New-AzDiskConfig cmdlet:
    • DiskIOPSReadOnly, DiskMBpsReadOnly, MaxSharesCount, GalleryImageReference
  • Allowed Encryption property to Target parameter of New-AzGalleryImageVersion cmdlet.
  • Fixed tempDisk issue for Set-AzVmss -Reimage and Invoke-AzVMReimage cmdlets. [#11354]
  • Added support to below cmdlets for new SAP Extension
    • Set-AzVMAEMExtension
    • Get-AzVMAEMExtension
    • Remove-AzVMAEMExtension
    • Update-AzVMAEMExtension
  • Fixed errors in examples of help document
  • Showed the exact string value for VM PowerState in the table format.
  • New-AzVmssConfig: fixed serialization of AutomaticRepairs property when SinglePlacementGroup is disabled. [#11257]

Version 3.5.0

  • Allowed empty value for ProximityPlacementGroupId during update

Version 3.4.0

  • Limit the number of VM status to 100 to avoid throttling when Get-AzVM -Status is performed without VM name.
  • Add Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet cmdlet
  • Add EncryptionType and DiskEncryptionSetId parameters to the following cmdlets:
    • New-AzDiskUpdateConfig, New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig
  • Add ColocationStatus parameter to Get-AzProximityPlacementGroup cmdlet.
  • Fix broken example code for 'Revoke-AzSnapshotAccess' and 'Grant-AzSnapshotAccess'
  • Fix broken example code for 'Set-AzDiskDiskEncryptionKey' and 'Set-AzDiskKeyEncryptionKey'

Version 3.3.0

  • Fix Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension cmdlet for a VM with managed OD disk which does not have OS profile.
  • Updated the example of Set-AzVMAccessExtension to use version 2.4 instead of 2.0

Version 3.2.0

  • Add ProximityPlacementGroupId parameter to the following cmdlets:
    • Update-AzAvailabilitySet, Update-AzVM, Update-AzVmss
  • Change ProximityPlacementGroup parameter to ProximityPlacementGroupId parameter in New-AzVM and New-AzVmss. (ProximityPlacementGroup parameter is still supported as an alias)
  • Update help message for VM and VMSS priority.
  • Update references in .psd1 to use relative path

Version 3.1.0

  • VM Reapply feature
    • Add Reapply parameter to Set-AzVM cmdlet
  • VM Scale Set AutomaticRepairs feature:
    • Add EnableAutomaticRepair, AutomaticRepairGracePeriod, and AutomaticRepairMaxInstanceRepairsPercent parameters to the following cmdlets: New-AzVmssConfig Update-AzVmss
  • Cross tenant gallery image support for New-AzVM
  • Add 'Spot' to the argument completer of Priority parameter in New-AzVM, New-AzVMConfig and New-AzVmss cmdlets
  • Add DiskIOPSReadWrite and DiskMBpsReadWrite parameters to Add-AzVmssDataDisk cmdlet
  • Change SourceImageId parameter of New-AzGalleryImageVersion cmdlet to optional
  • Add OSDiskImage and DataDiskImage parameters to New-AzGalleryImageVersion cmdlet
  • Add HyperVGeneration parameter to New-AzGalleryImageDefinition cmdlet
  • Add SkipExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs parameters to New-AzVmss, New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmss cmdlets

Version 3.0.0

  • Disk Encryption Set feature
    • New cmdlets: New-AzDiskEncryptionSetConfig New-AzDiskEncryptionSet Get-AzDiskEncryptionSet Remove-AzDiskEncryptionSet
    • DiskEncryptionSetId parameter is added to the following cmdlets: Set-AzImageOSDisk Set-AzVMOSDisk Set-AzVmssStorageProfile
      Add-AzImageDataDisk New-AzVMDataDisk Set-AzVMDataDisk Add-AzVMDataDisk Add-AzVmssDataDisk Add-AzVmssVMDataDisk
    • DiskEncryptionSetId and EncryptionType parameters are added to the following cmdlets: New-AzDiskConfig New-AzSnapshotConfig
  • Add PublicIPAddressVersion parameter to New-AzVmssIPConfig
  • Move FileUris of custom script extension from public setting to protected setting
  • Add ScaleInPolicy to New-AzVmss, New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmss cmdlets
  • Breaking changes
    • UploadSizeInBytes parameter is used instead of DiskSizeGB for New-AzDiskConfig when CreateOption is Upload
    • PublishingProfile.Source.ManagedImage.Id is replaced with StorageProfile.Source.Id in GalleryImageVersion object

Version 2.7.0

  • Add Priority, EvictionPolicy, and MaxPrice parameters to New-AzVM and New-AzVmss cmdlets
  • Fix warning message and help document for Add-AzVMAdditionalUnattendContent and Add-AzVMSshPublicKey cmdlets
  • Fix -skipVmBackup exception for Linux VMs with managed disks for Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension.
  • Fix bug in update encryption settings in Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension, two pass scenario.

Version 2.6.0

  • Add UploadSizeInBytes parameter tp New-AzDiskConfig
  • Add Incremental parameter to New-AzSnapshotConfig
  • Add a low priority virtual machine feature:
    • MaxPrice, EvictionPolicy and Priority parameters are added to New-AzVMConfig.
    • MaxPrice parameter is added to New-AzVmssConfig, Update-AzVM and Update-AzVmss cmdlets.
  • Fix VM reference issue for Get-AzAvailabilitySet cmdlet when it lists all availability sets in the subscription.
  • Fix the null exception for Get-AzRemoteDesktopFile.
  • Fix VHD Seek method for end-relative position.
  • Fix UltraSSD issue for New-AzVM and Update-AzVM.
  • Fix code to allow non default extension publisher, type and name for Get-AzVMDiskEncryptionStatus

Version 2.5.0

  • Add VmssId to New-AzVMConfig cmdlet
  • Add TerminateScheduledEvents and TerminateScheduledEventNotBeforeTimeoutInMinutes parameters to New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmss
  • Add HyperVGeneration property to VM image object
  • Add Host and HostGroup features
    • New cmdlets: New-AzHostGroup New-AzHost Get-AzHostGroup Get-AzHost Remove-AzHostGroup Remove-AzHost
    • HostId parameter is added to New-AzVMConfig and New-AzVM
  • Fixed miscellaneous typos across module
  • Update example in Invoke-AzVMRunCommand documentation to use correct parameter name
  • Update -VolumeType description in Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension and Set-AzVmssDiskEncryptionExtension reference documentation

Version 2.4.1

  • Add missing properties (ComputerName, OsName, OsVersion and HyperVGeneration) of VM instance view object.

Version 2.4.0

  • Add HyperVGeneration parameter to New-AzImageConfig
  • Use the extension type instead of the name when disabling vmss disk encryption

Version 2.3.0

  • New-AzVm and New-AzVmss simple parameter sets now accept the ProximityPlacementGroup parameter.
  • Fix typo in New-AzVM reference documentation

Version 2.2.0

  • Added NoWait parameter that starts the operation and returns immediately, before the operation is completed.
    • Updated cmdlets: Export-AzLogAnalyticRequestRateByInterval Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequest Remove-AzVM Remove-AzVMAccessExtension Remove-AzVMAEMExtension Remove-AzVMChefExtension Remove-AzVMCustomScriptExtension Remove-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension Remove-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension Remove-AzVMDscExtension Remove-AzVMSqlServerExtension Restart-AzVM Set-AzVM Set-AzVMAccessExtension Set-AzVMADDomainExtension Set-AzVMAEMExtension Set-AzVMBginfoExtension Set-AzVMChefExtension Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension Set-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension Set-AzVMDscExtension Set-AzVMExtension Start-AzVM Stop-AzVM Update-AzVM

Version 2.1.0

  • Add ProtectFromScaleIn and ProtectFromScaleSetAction parameters to Update-AzVmssVM cmdlet.
  • New-AzVM simple parameter set now uses by default an available location if 'East US' is not supported

Version 2.0.0

  • Proximity placement group feature.
    • The following new cmdlets are added: New-AzProximityPlacementGroup Get-AzProximityPlacementGroup Remove-AzProximityPlacementGroup
    • The new parameter, ProximityPlacementGroupId, is added to the following cmdlets: New-AzAvailabilitySet New-AzVMConfig New-AzVmssConfig
  • StorageAccountType parameter is added to New-AzGalleryImageVersion.
  • TargetRegion of New-AzGalleryImageVersion can contain StorageAccountType.
  • SkipShutdown switch parameter is added to Stop-AzVM and Stop-AzVmss
  • Breaking changes
    • Set-AzVMBootDiagnostics is changed to Set-AzVMBootDiagnostic.
    • Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequests is changed to Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequests.

Version 1.8.0

  • Fix issue with AEM installation if resource ids of disks had lowercase resourcegroups in resource id
  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
  • Fix documentation for wildcards

Version 1.7.0

  • Add HyperVGeneration parameter to New-AzDiskConfig and New-AzSnapshotConfig
  • Allow VM creation with galley image from other tenants.

Version 1.6.0

  • Fix issue with path resolution in Get-AzVmBootDiagnosticsData
  • Update Compute client library to 25.0.0.
  • Add new parameter sets to Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension
    • Accepts PSVirtualMachine object from pipeline
    • Accepts Resource Id and a VirtualMachineCustomScriptExtensionContext also from pipeline

Version 1.5.0

  • Add wildcard support to Get cmdlets

Version 1.4.0

  • Fix issue with ID parameter sets
  • Update Get-AzVMExtension to list all installed extension if Name parameter is not provided
  • Add Tag and ResourceId parameters to Update-AzImage cmdlet
  • Get-AzVmssVM without instance ID and with InstanceView can list VMSS VMs with instance view.

Version 1.3.0

  • AEM extension: Add support for UltraSSD and P60,P70 and P80 disks
  • Update help description for Set-AzVMBootDiagnostics
  • Update help description and example for Update-AzImage

Version 1.2.0

  • Add Invoke-AzVMReimage cmdlet
  • Add TempDisk parameter to Set-AzVmss
  • Fix the warning message of New-AzVM
  • Add ProvisionAfterExtension parameter to Add-AzVmssExtension

Version 1.1.0

  • Name is now optional in ID parameter set for Restart/Start/Stop/Remove/Set-AzVM and Save-AzVMImage
  • Updated the description of ID in help files
  • Fix backward compatibility issue with Az.Accounts module

Version 1.0.0

  • General availability of Az.Compute module
  • Breaking changes
    • IdentityIds are removed from Identity property in PSVirtualMachine and PSVirtualMachineScaleSet object.
    • The type of InstanceView property of PSVirtualMachineScaleSetVM object is changed from VirtualMachineInstanceView to VirtualMachineScaleSetVMInstanceView.
    • AutoOSUpgradePolicy and AutomaticOSUpgrade properties are removed from UpgradePolicy property.
    • The type of Sku property in PSSnapshotUpdate object is changed from DiskSku to SnapshotSku.
    • VmScaleSetVMParameterSet is removed from Add-AzVMDataDisk.